Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
In this module you will explore how the mammalian body copes with infection by various pathogens. This includes addressing the cellular basis of the immune system and the generation and selection of the immune repertoire. You will also explore functional insights into immune protein structure and pathogen structure, including viruses and bacteria. You will also address the use of antibodies, accessing and using protein databases, and explore the structure/function relationship of proteins.
The aims of the course are to consider how the mammalian body copes with infection by various pathogens, to understand the cellular basis of the immune system and the generation and selection of the immune repertoire including the role of cell death, to consider the structure and function of immune proteins, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, and to develop subject-based IT skills.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
discuss and explain the key concepts of the mammalian immune system repertoire and its role in combating infection: 2
describe and critically evaluate the generation and selection of the immune repertoire: 2
explain the cell and molecular biology of cell death: 2
explain key concepts of the structure and function relationship with reference to proteins of the immune system: 2
explain in detail the key concepts of the structure, function and immune system recognition of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens: 2
explain and critically evaluate analytical methods used based on antibodies: 1
locate and use scientific information, protein sequences and protein structures from protein databases: 2
describe in detail the cells mediating the immune response: 2
10 hours of tutorials/discussion activities supporting asynchronous material and assessment
3x 2 hour workshops
9x 4 hours engagement with asynchronous content
3 hours class test/online tasks
95 hours independent study; preparation for in-course assessment (practical report), and revision and engagement with directed reading to support end-of-semester class test
Description of Module Assessment
1: Laboratory Report weighted 40%Practical report based on experimental laboratory work
Laboratory report (~2500 words) based on data collected in laboratory sessions delivered in LSC-20107, assessing the analysis and presentation (e.g. tables, graphs etc) of experimental data and an evaluation of outcomes in context to relevant literature, supported with additional workshops and tutorials
2: Online Tasks weighted 60%Online class test (2 hour active working time within a 3 hour window)
Online MCQ/SAQ paper at the end of the semester (January assessment period). Questions will be drawn from a question bank covering a mix of question types that address the module learning outcomes.