Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This is a year-long module for students undertaking the Applied Biomedical Sciences option, which aims to deliver training and education to meet partial fulfilment of the Standards of Proficiency issued by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), as given in the IBMS Registration Portfolio, and to prepare students for their hospital-based placement. Students taking the Biomedical Science route may also take this module as an option.
Students will look at aspects of the framework of healthcare provision within the UK and focus on the role of the Biomedical Scientist within the NHS today. Students will examine cases of poor practice from the Francis Report and discuss ways to improve the patient experience.
A reflective and problem based learning approach runs throughout the module and offers students to opportunity to study alongside students of other healthcare professions, to work together to provide the best healthcare possible for the patient.
To develop an understanding of the principles, theory and competent practice of Biomedical Science and the relative roles of different Health Care Professionals within the NHS.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
describe the role and key-principles of the regulatory and professional bodies governing Biomedical Scientists (BMSs): 2
relate the principles of health and safety legislation to practise within a clinical laboratory: 3
discuss the legislative requirements for confidentiality in the role of a BMS: 2
explain the concepts of quality management in a diagnostic laboratory: 3
collaborate in an inter-professional environment: 3
write reflectively in accordance with professional requirements for a BMS: 2,3
discuss the role of a BMS and their professional relationships with other healthcare employees: 2,3
explain the concepts of equality. diversity, protected characteristics and culture in relation to access to healthcare: 2
Scheduled teaching activities
10 hours assessment support
17 hours tutorials/workshops
3 hours IPE activities
3 hours group presentation
Private study and assessment
2x 48 hours completion of reflective portfolios
21 hours completion of group presentation preparation
Description of Module Assessment
1: Group Presentation weighted 20%10 minute group presentation
A 10 minute group presentation on "The impact of patient identity on healthcare delivery." This presentation should be designed for a typical healthcare new employee induction event.
Each student will then peer mark other presentations.
Group size will be approximately 6 students; marks will be assigned for the group work: 50% student marks 50% tutor mark
2: Coursework weighted 30%Reflective portfolio (part 1)
500 word reflection: Students must complete three reflections from semester one based on the three core topics delivered across semester. They must submit all three and choose which reflection they wish to select for summative assessment
3: Coursework weighted 50%Reflective portfolio (part 2)
500 word reflection: Students must complete three reflections from semester two based on the three core topics delivered across semester. They must submit all three and choose which reflection they wish to select for summative assessment