Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The brain is constructed of different types of cells, which connect together to form complex networks. This module will explore the concept of these networks, including detailed molecular and physiological analysis of their crucial cellular elements and how they interact to give rise to specific functions. The module involves interactive lectures, and tutorials. A variety of additional, self-serve resources complement module delivery.
To provide an in-depth understanding of neuronal function starting with single neurones and building up to neuronal networks.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Describe, discuss and evaluate the principal ultrastructural features of neurones and glial cells as studied by light and electron microscopy: 2
Critically discuss how groups of neurones are working together, from the structure and function of individual synapses to specific examples of natural neural networks: 2
Describe, discuss and evaluate the physiological and molecular properties of neurones and astrocytes at the single cell level and in functional groupings: 2
Critically evaluate a primary source journal article and answer questions related to the content of the paper: 1
20 hours interactive lectures
9 hours interactive tutorials
121 hours of private study, which includes Paper Comprehension
Description of Module Assessment
1: Publication Based Paper weighted 30%Paper Comprehension
Students are provided with the reference to a particular paper and a set of questions aimed at testing their understanding of the experimental rationale of the paper, the content and their ability to evaluate the experimental approaches. Students should pay careful attention to the number of points that each question is worth. In general, we would expect only one or two sentences for each point.
2: Open Book Examination weighted 70%2-hour, open book assessment with an 8-hour window
The paper will be released on KLE at 9am on the morning of the exam.
The paper consists 2 essays selected from 5.
Students should address each topic, clearly labelling each chosen topic as they provide their answers. Work will be submitted to Turnitin no later than 5pm on the day of release.
Although students have been given significant time to complete this exam script, we expect most students to spend no more than 2 hours on completion this assessment. Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible. Typical answers would be in the range of 500-750 words per topic. We recommend that students do not exceed 750 words per essay-based question as we will be assessing the quality of your answer, not the quantity.