LSC-20078 - Neuroscience Research Methods
Coordinator: Jenny Shin
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module covers the principles of study design, data analysis and statistics, and reporting of findings via oral, written and poster communications. Students will conduct basic experiments using a range of specific Neuroscience research methodologies; including light microscopy, electrophysiology, pharmacology, molecular and behavioural techniques.

To provide students with an understanding of research study design, statistics and reporting applied to key Neuroscience research methodology including, light microscopy and cell staining, electrophysiology, pharmacology, molecular and behavioural techniques.

Intended Learning Outcomes

evaluate the principal techniques employed in neuroscience research: 1
analyse data and present findings in both tabular and graphical forms: 2,3
locate, evaluate and retrieve information from a variety of resources including textbooks, primary literature and the internet and assess, summarise and communicate information accurately: 2,3
use spreadsheets, word processors and statistical packages to compile, analyse, compare and interpret data derived from experiments: 2,3

Study hours

33 hours live tutorials and workshops
2 hours online, end-of-semester timed test
8 hours preparation for 4 labs delivered as part of LSC-20107 Practical skills in Bioscience
18 x 5 hours engagement with asynchronous material
101 hours independent study
20 hours completion of ICA1
20 hours completion of ICA2
26 hours completion of ICA3

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Online Tasks weighted 60%
Online class test
This paper will be released as a timed test in Blackboard. Students will find a link to this test on KLE on the day of the assessment. Once started, students will be given 3 hrs to complete. This is 1 hour more than we expect most students will actually need. International students will be asked to notify the School if they need an extension due to different time zones. This test will comprise a number of multiple choice and short answer questions. All questions are compulsory. Students should pay careful attention to the number of points that each question is worth. In general, we would expect only one or two sentences for each point.

2: Research Report weighted 20%
Lab report
A 1000-word lab report written in the style of a specific journal. This report will be based on one of the practicals delivered in LSC-20107.

3: Assignment weighted 20%
Digital Poster
Students will design a digital poster with 3-5 minute recorded narrative that could be used as a flash talk to inform the scientific community.