Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
LSC-20076 Learning and Memory
The adult nervous system displays quite a remarkable ability to regenerate following degeneration or trauma. Furthermore, it has been extensively demonstrated that primary neuronal tissue/cells can be transplanted into the adult nervous system, and given an appropriate time period can integrate with the host tissue, ultimately restoring neurological function.
You will explore regeneration and repair strategies across the peripheral and central (brain and spinal cord) nervous systems, and examine their application in an array of neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord trauma and stroke.
The module is mainly delivered through the release of short, pre-recorded videos which will be fully supported by live workshops and tutorials all delivered by tutors with active research in nervous system regeneration and repair. You will hear about their current research and get involved in debates on current regeneration topics. Additionally, thanks to the in-course assessments and associated workshops, you will explore and learn two important and essential skills in science: how to write a grant proposal and how to critically peer-review.
To provide an in-depth grounding in the mechanisms underlying regeneration and repair in the nervous system, covering the application of these mechanisms to a range of neurological disorders.
Intended Learning Outcomes
define and explain the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in repair and regeneration of the central and peripheral nervous system: 2,3
evaluate evidence from experimental and clinical trials draw own conclusions regarding the efficacy of neurological cell transplantation: 2,3
discuss the efficacy of emerging sources of transplant tissue (i.e., Stem Cells, Genetically Modified Tissue), in relation to existing neurological disorders: 2,3
evaluate and explain current bioengineering approaches used in repairing and regenerating the nervous system: 2,3
prepare a grant proposal that in turn will be used in a peer-review process. This will enable students to critically and constructively evaluate both their own aims and methods (in writing the grant) and those presented in a grant written by a current student on the module: 1
18 h scheduled teaching comprises:
16 hours tutorials
2 h Q&A
132 h independent study:
60 hours for in-course assessment:
- Assessment 1 (grant proposal): 30 hours
- Assessment 2 (peer-review): 10 hours
- Assessment 3 (panel): 20 hours
72 hours private study
- 40 h reading around lectures
- 30 h preparation and reflection on tutorials
- 2 h practice exam
Description of Module Assessment
1: Individual Report weighted 60%2,000 word Research Grant Proposal
Students will produce a 2,000 word grant proposal on a topic applied to regeneration and repair of the nervous system, based on an existing grant proforma.
2: Review weighted 15%500 word peer review of Grant Proposal
Students will produce a 500 word peer review of an allocated grant proposal generated by other students.
3: Group Report weighted 25%1000 word justification of funding decision, submitted as a group
Once the grant and peer review exercise have been completed, a grant panel meeting will take place. Here, students will be assigned randomly to groups of 6. They will then present their peer review to the group and summarise the strengths and weaknesses of their reviewed grant. Each student will do this and then the group will have to rank the proposals.
A 1000 word justification for the ranking will then have to be submitted as a group. This should include strengths of the top proposals and weaknesses of the bottom proposals, based on knowledge acquired in the module.
A group mark will be awarded. However, this mark can be modulated +/- 10% based on peer assessment of engagement with the group.