Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Neuroscience is one of the fastest growing research areas with new concepts and ideas emerging all the time. Keeping track of these new areas is a challenging but rewarding task for the neuroscientist, especially those interested in deep knowledge of their subject and potentially interested in a research career. In this module you will learn about the most recent advances in selected fields of neuroscience and their implications. You will be expected to read journal articles on a specific topic and learn how to summarize and evaluate the subject area concisely, in the process developing a better understand of the subject and an ability to identify the key points and what they mean for the future of neuroscience. Assessment will be on a portfolio of summaries of selected research topics (you will be able to choose your four best out of seven for assessment), including a reflective summary.
To provide an in-depth grounding in a selection of relevant, current neuroscience research areas. To promote reflection on neuroscience as a disciplne and its possible future directions.
Intended Learning Outcomes
demonstrate a deep knowledge of selected specific current research topics in neuroscience: 1
demonstrate skills in interpretation and comprehension of journal articles and associated lectures and how to summarize a current research topic concisely: 1
evaluate current understanding of selected specific research topics in neuroscience: 1
18 Hours lectures
8 Hours tutorials
124 Hours private study
Description of Module Assessment
1: Portfolio weighted 100%4500 word summary of 4 of the research topics, including a reflective overview.
Each student will produce by the end of the module, a portfolio consisting of 1000-word evaluations of four of the research topics (total seven topics) covered in the module. Students will be expected to summarize and demonstrate understanding of each topic and critically evaluate its importance in the present day and future neuroscience. There will be marking criteria available as well - specifically markers for information content, comprehension skills, evaluation of the topic in relation to previous work on it and its relationship with other research areas, clarity, conciseness, and good use of additional literature. At the end of the module the student will hand in their portfolio containing their chosen 4 evaluations for summative assessment. They will also be asked to include a 500-word reflective overview of their portfolios indicating the relevance of the topics one to each other and to broader neuroscience themes and critical evaluation of likely future directions that might stem from them. Here, markers will look for the core idea(s), critical evaluation, conciseness, and clarity.