Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to critically analyse the current methods used to evaluate animal welfare. Students will then review the current topics in animal welfare and critically appraise publications with reference to both these parameters and legislation taking into consideration a range of ethical view points.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Discuss the physiology of 'welfare' and evaluate the evidence for sentience and emotions in a range of animals: 1,2
Critically evaluate the current methods used for assessing and measuring animal welfare including both physiological and behavioural indicators: 1,2
Critically appraise a range of ethical viewpoints and perspectives on animal welfare: 2
Review the current effectiveness of welfare legislation and organisations: 1,2
Appraise a range of journal articles and present their findings in a logical and concise manner: 1,2
Journal club Tutorials: 12
11x 2 hours engagement with asynchronous topics.
Preparation for journal club tutorials: 36
Preparation for group presentation: 10
Independent study: 70
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 30%Group Presentation
Working in small groups of 2 to 5 students you will be expected to give a 30-minute presentation based on a current animal welfare topic. A group mark will be allocated for the content, format and delivery of the presentation.
2: Exercise weighted 70%Journal Club
Each week students will be allocated a current animal welfare topic to discuss. The basic historical relevance will be given to the students in a flipped-classroom style presentation during a lecture. Following this a minimum of 2 publications will be made available to the students. Students are expected to contribute to a journal club during the tutorial sessions and initiate a discussion about the topics (this could be online or in a group tutorial). The initial discussion will be based around the publications but wider reading on the topic is expected. At the end of the module students will be expected to collate 3 topics for which they would like their contribution to be assessed and submit them on the proforma provided.