Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Plants are fundamental to all life on Earth. Plants harness energy from the sun to create matter that is the basis of most terrestrial food chains and produce oxygen as a by-product that we breathe making them the lungs of the Earth. Plants have evolved into the world�s biggest and longest-lived organisms, producing innumerable resources (from foods to medicines to fuel) and are an integral and enduring part of rural and urban landscapes. This module takes an applied and integrated approach, examining green production systems from the plant science, ecology and sustainable land management perspectives. You will explore some of the big questions of today, such as how we can feed a growing population without sacrificing ecosystem functioning.
By doing this module you will develop verbal and written communication skills by participating in class debates and producing materials for different target audiences. Content will be delivered through a mix of lectures and tutorials sessions, including guest speakers and site visits in and around the campus environment to give you first-hand experience of the issues discussed.
To understand how plant science can be applied to `green� production processes in order to meet the global challenges, whilst addressing environmental protection and sustainability issues.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Explain the fundamentals of how plant science can be applied to a range of green production processes: 1,2
Evaluate how plant-human interactions have altered green production facilities over time, and the impact this has on the trade-off between global supply and environmental protection: 1,2
Evaluate the ways in which plants are responding to global change, such as pollution and climate change, and explain how these can be mitigated: 1,2
Critically review a specific forest or food production system in terms of its contribution to ecosystem services, sustainability and/or carbon balance: 1
12x 1 hr lectures.
12x 1 hr tutorials/workshops
10 x 5 hrs engagement with asynchronous content
40 hours completion of portfolio
36 hours independent study.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Portfolio weighted 50%Critical evaluation a specific green production system
A 2,000 word report and critical assessment of a specific green production system in terms of its contribution to ecosystem services, sustainability, and/or carbon balance.
2: Assignment weighted 50%Critical literature review
A 2,000-word literature review requiring critical evaluation of a topic taken from a list of topics relevant to many aspects of the module.