LSC-40065 - Literature Review and Grant Proposal
Coordinator: Mark Skidmore Room: Hux168 Tel: +44 1782 7 33945
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

In this module you will further develop skills in the evaluation of scientific literature and experimental design. In addition to producing a comprehensive literature review relevant to your research project area, you will also formulate research questions/hypotheses and design appropriate research strategies to address these in the form of a mini grant proposal and lay summary.

This module aims to develop students' independent research skills in literature analysis and data evaluation. Students will conduct a critical analysis of primary scientific literature relevant to the area of their MSci research project and produce a comprehensive literature review. The module also aims to introduce and develop skills in writing a research proposal in the form of a mini-grant proposal and lay summary, aligned with the research project module, with supporting tutorials.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically evaluate the context, methodology and findings of primary scientific literature: 1,2
evaluate and discuss the impact of a research project in terms of the societal, financial and intellectual perspectives: 1,2
design a research project, formulating appropriate hypotheses and a research strategy to address these: 2
communicate clearly and effectively in written form suitable for specialist and non-specialist audiences, including a comprehensive literature review, grant proposal and lay summary: 1,2

Study hours

15 hours of tutorials and workshops supporting module assessments
185 hours independent study: preparation of literature review
100 hours independent study: preparation of grant proposal

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Literature Review weighted 60%
Literature review
Students will produce a comprehensive review of the scientific literature related to the area of their research project (total 5,000 words)

2: Research Proposal weighted 40%
Grant proposal
Students will produce a mini-grant proposal and lay summary using a structured profoma (total 2,500 words) related to their MSci research project