Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The market place for goods and services has become increasingly dynamic and competitive. Rather than static models of what it means to be a manager we need individuals who can think critically about managing and organisations and what work means for those who are employed in organisations. Management in Context provides the first step in developing such an understanding of management by locating managers within a wider historical, economic, political and sociological context.
Work and management are universal concepts and this modules aims to draw on literature and practice from around the world to demonstrate this. Thus, this module is of relevance to both home/EU and international students. Lectures will provide students with a grounding in management and work, while introducing students to more challenging questions and debates. The lecture material is accompanied by a diverse range of materials on the KLE which are suited to different ability levels and student interests (podcasts, research papers, newspaper articles, digitised book chapters, videos, etc.). Tutorials are a mix of different activities, including study skills exercises and group discussions which enable diversity in teaching methods.
The aim of the module is to provide students with a broad introduction to management, business and organisation. It provides an understanding of management within a wider historical, sociological, political and economic context. It encourages critical thinking about the world of work and management's role in relation to it. It promotes independent learning skills through essay writing and tutorial discussion/debate.
Intended Learning Outcomes
explain how different management practices have developed historically: 2
identify relevant research materials and apply their content to various aspects of the modern world of work: 1,2
demonstrate an understanding of academic scholarship and good research practice: 1,2
communicate, orally, theories and research material in relation to a number of management related issues: 1,2
engage convincingly in contemporary debates around areas of management, societal impact of work, technology development and sustainable management practice: 2
begin to develop a critical perspective to supplement the understanding of management and organisation, as a basis for their future studies: 2
relate historical management practice such as Fordism and bureaucracy, and their key characteristics such as alienation and conflict, to the contemporary workplace: 2
11 hours of lectures
11 hours of tutorials
10 hours of lecture preparation
30 hours tutorial preparation
88 hours assignment
Description of Module Assessment
1: Bibilography weighted 40%Annotated Bibliography (750-1000 words)
Students are required to select three (3) management-related articles and write a critical analysis for each source outlining the source's central ideas, strengths and limitations and a reflection on the source's usefulness for the assignment.
2: Essay weighted 60%Essay
1000-1500 words essay. Drawing on an organisation you are familiar with, describe a problem or problems that the organisation is currently facing. Show how material from this module can help to understand the problem (situation) more fully and offer a proposal to overcome the issue(s) it faces.