MAN-10024 - Financial Accounting
Coordinator: Thanamas Kungwal Tel: +44 1782 7 34264
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Pre-requisite - MAN-10015

Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

The module builds on the foundation knowledge acquired in a prior module entitled 'Accounting Principles'. It develops knowledge in financial accounting which will facilitate student progression through more advanced financial accounting modules and supports professional body accreditation of related degree programmes. The module includes the development of skills in the preparation and analysis of key financial statements and skills in using IT to maintain and prepare accounting information. Students will have access to, and training in, an industry wide accounting software package and so will be able to apply accounting skills in a real world situations.

This module will reinforce and develop knowledge of fundamental concepts and key techniques of financial accounting as a basis for progression to Level 5 accounting and finance undergraduate modules. The module will also provide transferable skills and may enhance employability.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

explain key concepts of financial accounting: 1,2
prepare principal financial statements of business organisations: 2
assess financial performance through analysis of principal financial statements: 1,2
discuss accountability and its relevance to financial statements and their main users: 2
explain key aspects of the legal and regulatory framework of financial reporting: 1,2
use double entry book-keeping and understand its limitations: 1,2

Study hours

Lectures 18 hours
Tutorials 6 hours
Private study 122 hours
Mid-term assessment 2 hours
Final examination 2 hours

School Rules

Pre-requisite - MAN-10015

Description of Module Assessment

1: Class Test weighted 40%
1 hour and 30 minutes closed book computer based assessment (mid-term)-time constrained and invigilated
Mid-term computer based assessment � a 90 minutes computer-based assessment to be undertaken in a controlled environment, timed and invigilated. Automatic submission at the end of the allocated 90 minutes. Students will be presented with a variety of questions, some multiple choice and others requiring a computed response. This assessment will focus on the technical skills and techniques of financial accounting.

2: Unseen Exam weighted 60%
2 hour closed book exam
Examination (Exam): An opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and/or understanding under invigilated conditions (2 hours). All examination should take place on campus. All are scheduled centrally by Student Records and Exams. The exam will test knowledge and skills in financial accounting, including computational questions and also questions of interpretation of financial accounting statements and discussion of key underlying concepts.