Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module establishes and explores nature and critical importance of effective operations and quality management. It examines the implications of choices in operations design, service/product design, operational planning and control and quality management systems in service, manufacturing, government and third sectors.
Too often, the management of operations and quality is seen and presented as a technical subject. The approach in this module though focuses on the nature of quality and uses quality and improvement as a lens to explore effective and efficient management of operations processes. It therefore provides students with an insight to effective service and product delivery, and reflective capabilities to understand the consequences of different decisions in the design of services and products, and their operational processes.
To introduce students to key concepts and issues in operations and quality management.
To enable students to critically analyse and evaluate concepts and techniques of operations and quality management within a range of different organisational contexts.
To stimulate self-reflection amongst students and facilitate critical reflections on operations and quality grounded in broader societal discourses.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Explain and evaluate the role of operations, process and quality management as a pervasive issue in public, private and not for profit organisations, and the contribution of effective design, planning, control and quality management to the future development of such organisations: 1,2
Integrate the theory and practice of operations and quality management and apply them in a range of operational contexts: 1,2
Identify and assess the wider critical and societal perspectives on quality and quality management such as their impact of accreditation and certification schemes and their contribution to Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability concerns: 1,2
Evaluate the tools and processes available for delivering quality of service and product in a contemporary business context: 1,2
Lectures: 10 hours
Tutorials: 10 hours
Preparation for tutorials: 10 hours
Group online-video assignment research and production: 40 hours
Other private study: 80 hours
Total: 150 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 20%Group Video Project (Part A) - Presentation
Presentation Component (Part A) - In groups of around 5 people, students are required to research a topic from a list based on contemporary issues in operations and quality management and then storyboard and present their project plans towards completion of the Group Video Project (Part B) - The deliverable is a group presentation and initial storyboarding using appropriate software tools.
2: Group Project weighted 80%Group Video Project (Part B) - Design & Build
Video Project Design & Development (Part B) In groups of around 5 people, students are required to research a topic from a list based on contemporary issues in operations and quality management and then create and produce an online video presentation. The video will be developed collaboratively within the groups, with a maximum length of 15 minutes.
Where peer assessment is applied a group mark is awarded as a whole but individual students may receive a separate adjusted mark which may be higher or lower than the group mark awarded.
The module team will review the peer feedback from group members and may consider other data, including the content of the video project to adjust marks accordingly that are awarded on an individual basis.