Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module introduces the fundamental concepts, theories and approaches to the study of human behaviour in organizations. The course analyses classical theory including the Taylorist and Human Relations approaches to Organisational Behaviour, and then describes more recent trends such as labour process and post structuralist analysis. Key topics such as motivation, politics, leadership and gender and organisations are addressed. As a theory driven course organisational behaviour also considers how the relationship between the organization and its environment affects organizational culture and its members. Throughout the emphasis is firmly upon the human dimension of the organization and the organizing process, drawing on a wide range of social science research.
Analytic in nature and content, the aim of the module is to introduce and develop key concepts and theories relevant to the study of organisational behaviour. We draw on a wide range of theories and writings: student are required to read widely from a range of academic social science sources and are encouraged to draw on their own experience or organisational life, as employees or as students for example. By the end of the module, students should:
- have understanding of the relevant issues;
- be able to give critical assessment of them;
- have developed the ability to critically analyse the various perspectives on organisational behaviour; and
- be equipped with key skills in verbal and written communication, including presentational skills, and in teamworking
Intended Learning Outcomes
describe and critically analyse the relevant issues in organisational behaviour: 1,2
explain the foundations of labour process theory and compare these to Taylorism and Human Relations: 1
evaluate cultural and post-structural perspectives on traditional theories of organsiational behaviour: 1,2
relate the contribution of feminist perspectives to theoretical developments in organsiational behaviour: 1,2
explain the management practices associated with Taylorism and Human Relations and analyse their relevance to work organisation: 1
Lectures: 12 hours
Tutorials: 12 hours
Preparation for tutorials: 18 hours
Assignment preparation and writing: 60 hours
Other private study: 48 hours
Total: 150 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Open Book Examination weighted 50%2 hour unseen take-away examination
A take-away exam which will be available on KLE for 24-hours for you to answer and submit your answer via the Turnitin file. Although students have been given significant time to complete this exam script, we expect most students to spend no more than 3 hours to complete and submit their answers via Turnitin (with a maximum of 3000 words). Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible.
2: Assignment weighted 50%1000 word essay assignment
An 1000 word essay covering the main topics taught in weeks 1-6 of the module