Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
MAN-20059 Marketing Research
The module introduces students to essential elements of the research process, focusing upon the methodological and theoretical approaches used in management research. The module expects students to adopt a critical approach to reading published research, examining the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to research design and the research process and to the dissemination of research. In particular students will consider the extent to which contextual demands and constraints upon research processes are dealt with by researchers and, through assessments will be encouraged to critique existing research and design an indicative research project.
The module will be taught with lectures and tutorials. Tutorials will be used to develop the ideas raised in the lectures, involving focussed discussions around texts that highlight methodological and empirical research issues. Tutorials will also be used to encourage students to discuss their assignments within the wider context of the module's syllabus.
To develop knowledge of the various research styles available to researchers, their epistemological rationales and ethical implications;
To develop an understanding of the potential strengths and weaknesses of different research methodologies so as to enable the critical selection and use of the most appropriate approach;
To understand the role of theory in researching the practice of management;
To develop an ability to critically appraise the findings of published empirical research;
To understand the impact of contextual demands and constraints upon research processes.
Intended Learning Outcomes
assess the strengths and weaknesses of different methodologies: 1,2,
critically analyse the use of competing theories and methodologies in management research: 1,
describe and apply appropriate research methodologies to an indicative research project: 2,
critically appraise the findings of published empirical research: 1,
explain the impact of contextual demands and constraints upon research processes: 2,
12 hours lectures
12 hours tutorials
12 hours library hours to identify published materials
24 hours tutorial preparation
40 hours assignment preparation
50 hours private study which includes additional reading, thinking time, discussing ideas with other students, etc.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Critique weighted 50%2000 word essay
A critical analysis of the methodological approaches adopted within published research paper(s) or monograph
2: Research Design weighted 50%2000 word written proposal
A proposal outlining an indicative research project justifying the application of a specific methodological approach or approaches