Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
MAN 10031 Consumer Behaviour 1
Building on the introductory module (Consumer Behaviour 1), this module enables an advanced engagement with the major theories and empirical studies of consumer behaviour through a socio-cultural lens. In doing so it goes beyond basic consumer behaviour theory to analyse key theories of relevance in understanding today�s contemporary consumers as well as examining spaces and practices of consumption.
The module is designed to develop students' understanding of consumer behaviour in two ways, through studying actual consumer behaviour in the marketplace using contemporary theories and concepts and also by challenging students to reflect on their own consumption as consumers. Students will examine various theories of consumption, apply these to several types of consumer behaviour and examine various contemporary issues.
The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of contemporary consumer culture and to highlight how developing consumer insights can ultimately be linked to various marketing practices.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify and explain key theories of consumer culture and their relationship to practice
: 1,2
understand the ways in which consumption practices are embedded and reproduced across a broad spectrum of society and its activities
: 1,2
analyse the variety of practices involved in the consumption cycle
: 1,2
understand consumption practices as complex activities that are worthy of study both in their own right and to guide marketing decision making
: 1,2
engage with a variety of contemporary consumption practices, start to develop a critical understanding of these and develop an awareness of your own role and position within them: 1,2
critically engage with the questions around the consumer society: 1,2
12 hours lectures
12 hours tutorials
30 hours lecture/tutorial prep
46 hours assignment and exam prep
48 hours private study which includes additional reading, thinking time, discussing ideas with other students, etc.
2 hour exam
Description of Module Assessment
1: Video Tape weighted 50%Individual video presentation
Students will be asked to produce an individual video presentation of around 10 minutes that relates to an aspect or aspects of consumer behaviour, consumer cultures or consumption practices as covered on the module.
2: Open Book Examination weighted 50%Open-Book Examination (online)
Students select 2 essay questions from 5. Exam questions may incorporate any topic covered on the module. This is a take-away exam which will be available on KLE for 28 hours to answer and submit the answers via Turnitin. Although students have significant time to complete and submit answers, it is expected that most students will spend no more than 2 hours with a maximum of 2000 words. Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible.