MAN-30048 - Business Strategy
Coordinator: Moshood Bello Tel: +44 1782 7 33424
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

Crafting business strategies remains the responsibility of the top management of every organisation. In today�s ever-dynamic, complex, and highly competitive global business environment, every organisational member is also expected to contribute to the process of formulating and executing strategies. Business organisations, therefore, expect their graduate employees to possess critical strategic thinking, decision-making skill and a thorough understanding of the ever dynamic business environment.
This module uses a combination of theory, cases analyses, reflective practice and a virtual business Simulation game (BSSG) to provide students with opportunities to develop these critical employability skills. The business simulation game allows students to apply theory in practice by working in groups and learning from each other while having fun. The BSSG creates an environment that encourages group work and interactions between students weekly. At the same time, it fosters levels of competition between groups.

Strategy is commonly considered to be at the very pinnacle of management topics because well-founded strategies give purpose, focus and structure to all other business activities. By contrast, a weak strategy fails an organisation, staff, customers, and investors and threatens the suppliers, communities, and regions in which it conducts its business. Yet, there is no golden rule or theory for a successful business, institutional or industry strategy in today's rapidly evolving world of opportunities.
Given this challenge, the module offers finalists a carefully designed course in marrying theory and practice. As students gain a detailed understanding of strategy theory, they are encouraged to develop sophisticated critical analytical thinking, confidence and work-relevant transferable skills in this most important subject that integrates earlier business studies.

Intended Learning Outcomes

evaluate alternative competitive strategies and select a course of action: 1,2
evaluate the ethical and sustainability implications of strategic decisions: 1,2

Study hours

Lectures 10 hours
Tutorial 10 hours
Tutorial preparation 20 hours
Other private studies and assessments 110 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Reflective Diary weighted 50%
1000 word Individual Reflective Essay
Individual students provide a not more than 1000 word reflective essay on their experience during a simulation game. They will reflect on their learning experience, areas of strength and areas for improvement, decisions that went well and decisions that did not go well, and how they would do this differently next time.

2: Case Study weighted 50%
Students analyse a given case study and answer specific questions
Students will be asked to apply knowledge and skills acquired during the module to analyse a given case study in not more than 1000 words.