Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will involve the formulation, conduct and presentation of an independent investigation into a real and significant management issue or problem, and will be located within your organisation. The project will simultaneously provide scope for integrating the programme's curriculum content with key issues of the day. The issue chosen should have the capacity to influence the development of the organisation where the research is being conducted. You will need to ensure the topic chosen has been discussed and signed-off with your employer. This project can therefore be considered as a piece of internal consultancy on the programme.
Provide participants with the opportunity to undertake an extended company project. The project is intended to build on the taught modules of the course and to demonstrate practical application of this knowledge.
As part of the project, participants should demonstrate understanding of, and skills in, the following:
- Project management and role of sponsors and champions to the success of projects
- Demonstrate understanding of financial and non-financial information
- Diversity management
- Building a successful high performance teams
- Managing relationships with different stakeholders (including communication, conflict management, diplomacy and negotiation)
- Understand drivers for change and the impact of change on different functions within the organisation
- Business modelling
- Understanding of the internal and external environment
- Ensure that all regulatory, well being and compliance requirements are met
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete a substantial organisational based project: 1,2
Provide theoretical insights to underpin the project: 1,2
Present independently researched findings in a clear and consistent format: 1,2
20% off the job learning to include:
15 hours of academic supervision to include group and individual meetings and supervisors reading / review / feedback on interim work
235 hours working on the project; preparing for presentation and final report
Additional self-study requirements:
200 hours self study and preparation for the assessment.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 20%Presentation of project progress (15 minutes)
15-minute individual oral presentation which provides an interim update of the progress being made on the company project. This will also act as a formative assessment, enabling feedback which can be incorporated into the final report.
2: Individual Report weighted 80%Extended Company Project 10,000-12,000 words
Extended organisation-based project of 10-12,000 words which demonstrates the application of theory into practice.