Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module introduces the concept of a graph as a pictorial representation of a symmetric relation. A variety of topics are investigated and, for each one, at least one of the major theorems is proved. The emphasis is on pure graph theory although some applications are explored via worked examples and coursework.
The aim of this module is to study various topics in graph theory, together with a number of applications.
Intended Learning Outcomes
recognise, and establish properties, of different types of graphs such as trees, bipartite and complete graphs: 1,3
prove, and apply, conditions for a graph to be Eulerian or Hamiltonian: 1,3
prove, and apply, results related to the colouring of the vertices or edges of a graph: 1,3
prove, and apply, results related to properties of extremal graphs: 2,3
prove, and apply, results concerning planar graphs: 2,3
Learning/teaching comprises 30 hours lectures, and 5 hours flipped examples classes.
Independent study comprises 30 hours examples class preparation, 10 hours for completion of assignment, 20 hours preparation for examination, 53 hours consolidation of lecture material, and 2 hours final exam.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Assignment weighted 15%Take-home assignment
Take-home, written assignments. The assignment consists of a set of questions with pre-allocated space for written solutions. Students should expect to spend 5 hours on the assessment.
2: Coursework weighted 15%Take-home Coursework
Take-home, written coursework. Consisting of a set of questions with pre-allocated space for written solutions which will be uploaded to the KLE. Students should expect to spend 5 hours on the assessment.
3: Exam weighted 70%Closed-book examination
The examination paper will consist of no less than five and not more than eight questions all of which are compulsory.