Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
MAT-20008 Differential Equations
This module will show you how mathematics is an interdisciplinary subject, with particular attention to biology. Applications of mathematics to biological situations is one of the fastest growing areas where mathematics can explain and predict behaviour. These predictions are not just theoretical: every day people's lives are saved due to the predictions possible.
We shall investigate a diverse set of applications. The biology of population growth and disease transmission, in particular, recent advances in our mathematical understanding of biology has provided new insight into the spread of MRSA. In the last few years, there have been advances in the application of mathematics to the study of animal gaits (the different method of locomotion).�
This module aims to develop students' ability to view mathematics as an interdisciplinary subject and to provide some applications in biology.
Intended Learning Outcomes
demonstrate ability to analyse qualitative aspects of ODEs in a biological modelling context: 1,2
apply appropriate techniques to solve a given model of a biological problem: 1,2
select appropriate approaches/methods and tools to generate mathematical models of aspects of biology: 2
formulate and critically evaluate biological models: 2
critically evaluate the merits and weaknesses of biological models: 2
evaluate the output of a modelling analysis, interpretation the results in a biological context: 2
Lectures: 30 Hours
Independent Study: 120 Hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Assignment weighted 20%An assignment of approximately 1 week duration
Assignment testing material covered in lectures given before the time of the assignment.
2: Report weighted 80%An investigative report
An in-depth investigative report covering the theoretical and practical aspects of the module. The assessment provides a biological situation that requires modelling. Students evaluate the relative merits of different modelling approaches, then formulate an appropriate mathematical model. Students analyse the qualitative aspects of their model, selecting and applying appropriate techniques, evaluating and interpreting their analysis, drawing suitable conclusions in a biological context.
The output of the assessment will be a written mathematical report. The length of the report will not exceed eight pages, including figures and tables, but not including appendices. Formatting guidelines will be provided.