Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will give students experience of solving communications problems by producing documents and artefacts. Students will be required to work in production groups and will address tutor negotiated communications goals by making documents, which may include desk top published materials, photography and video. Students will examine contemporary media issues which may include advertising, journalism, press coverage, design and the impact of the world wide web. They will work with various modes of practice including industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Quark Xpress and Final Cut Pro. The outcome of this module is one finished practical project per production group and an individual student workbook. Previous projects have been based on issues such as Domestic Violence, Binge Drinking, Student Protest and Student Debt. It is highly recommended that you have completed level one module The Photographic Message or Digital Video or that you have some experience of graphic design or video production.
The number of students admitted to this module is limited by the availability of Lab workstations and portable video capturing devices. Priority will be given to Media students, then everyone else.
1. To give students experience of solving communication problems by making documents/artefacts.
2. To encourage students to reflect critically on their own practice and solutions.
3. To introduce students to the concept of the production group.
4. To introduce students to concepts of design, branding and campaign styles in both moving and still image/text production.
5. To enable students to further develop their skills using Adobe Photoshop and Final Cut Pro software and introduce Quark Xpress as a publishing tool.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
demonstrate a critical understanding of visual communication and an ability to analyse and solve communications problems: 1,2
understand and evaluate the concepts of design, branding and campaign styles: 1
employ a range of techniques using digital lens based media and production software such as Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro and Quark Xpress: 1
understand and evaluate the concept of a media production group: 1
demonstrate familiarity with particular media forms and genres and the way these work to affect meaning: 1,2
show an understanding of and reflection upon their own creative processes and practice through engagement in media production: 2
engage in critical reflection on their response to demands for communication solutions: 2
24 hours lectures and workshops
30 Hours lab time and practical work
60 hours preparation of creative project and individual student workbook
6 hours to prepare group presentation
30 hours of reflection, revision and consolidation of lectures and workshops, group meetings and project preparation
Description of Module Assessment
1: Project weighted 50%Visual Project Creating an Awareness Advertising Campaign
Each production team will be expected to produce a 3 minute advertising video or poster campaign for a pressure/awareness group which, they, as a group, decide upon. The project must incorporate both practical and theoretical skills which they have developed during the module. It must reflect the aims and objectives which they have agreed upon as a group. The video/posters must be handed in alongside a group production file which provides evidence of the production process.
2: Workbook weighted 50%Individual student notebook
The workbook which must be word processed and illustrated must demonstrate the students/groups ideas, idea development, working methodology, research, critical understanding and a critical evaluation all of which must demonstrate correct referencing and bibliographical skills