Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module is of vital importance if you intend to do an extended project in MCC such as the dissertation, but is relevant to anyone with an interest in analysing media texts, audiences and cultures. The module shows you how to develop independent research about the topics you are the most interested in, covering everything from how to analyse the way women are represented in advertising, to how cinema audiences engage with films, and even how you could examine online fan cultures. Throughout the module you will be introduced to a range of methods, which will enable you to research media texts, media audiences and media cultures. Each week you will have a workshop where you can put different methods into practice to gain a concrete understanding of their strengths and limitations. By the end of the module you will have a sense of how to apply a range of approaches, including: content analysis, semiotics, discourse analysis, ethnography, survey research, interviews and internet research. You will also have a sense of how to formulate, structure and write a research project, and of the processes and practicalities of research.
Assessment: Presentation 30%, Research Proposal 70%.
To introduce and critically analyse methodologies and research methods used in the study of media and cultural studies.
To apply these research methods to the study of media, culture and communication.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
understand and evaluate key research methods in the field of media, communication and cultural studies will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2
apply various research techniques to the study of different media and cultural practices, genres and products will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2
develop critical thinking and reflective understanding of various methodologies and their practical application will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2
to devise and develop a project, and to communicate this in written project reports and orally in the presentation will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2
12 x 2-hour seminars; 40 hours seminar preparation, 40 hours private study, 46 hours assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 30%Presentation of research methods - peer assessed
Students will present their research proposals to their peers in seminars (5-10 minutes duration). The mark will be given by the tutor in collaboration with the seminar (peer) group.
2: Research Proposal weighted 70%Research outline proposal
An individual negotiated project proposal of 2,500 words. The individual project proposal will demonstrate the student�s ability to analyse a media product within a wider theoretical, historical, political, etc. context. Students should also demonstrate an ability to reflect on feedback from their peers following the presentation.