Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module focuses on the relationships between media and globalisation, with a particular focus on how these relationships have shaped culture and society. The module is split into two halves: The first half introduces key debates about the relationship between globalisation and the media. Core theoretical concepts and approaches are introduced, including postcolonial theory, critical race studies and theories of cultural imperialism; the second half of the module will apply these theories to a range of case studies. Topics explored will include: The global dynamics of the film industry, global digital networks and inequalities, and representations of race and ethnicity in the news media and cinema. Overall, the module will give students tools to critically evaluate the complex and shifting relationships between global economic relations, the transnational culture industries and cultural politics.
To enable students to critically understand the processual nature of globalisation
To enable students to recognise the impact of processes of globalisation on contemporary culture and society
To enable students to identify and critically analysis a variety of theoretical perspectives on processes of globalisation
To enable students to critically apply cultural theories of globalisation to a variety of substantive examples
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
critically assess the processual nature of contemporary globalisation: 1,2
demonstrate a rigorous knowledge of processes of globalisation: 1,2
communicate a systematic understanding of globalisation theory and apply this beyond the first context: 1,2
critically engage with research at the forefront of social and cultural study in the area of globalisation: 1,2
demonstrate originality in the application of their knowledge of globalisation to a variety of substantive examples: 1,2
evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the study of globalisation: 1,2
20 hours seminars
120 hours assessment preparation
160 hours seminar preparation and research
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 70%3,500 word essay
Students will be asked to apply and evaluate relevant theoretical frameworks discussed from the module, by relating them to a case-study. Students will choose from two types of case study. They will EITHER: Choose a particular media text (which could be a film, television programme, art installation, or advertisement for example). OR students will be asked to pick a case study related to changes in the creative industries that we have discussed on the module (e.g. changes to the television industry, the rise of digital marketing).
2: Short Paper weighted 30%Poster
Students produce a 6 x A4 sheet poster on a topic related to the module programme.