Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
What are the key aesthetic, stylistic and technical aspects of dominant media forms such as photography, TV, film and new media? What elements do you need to consider to design effective public communications using these media? What possibilities and limitations are embedded in each media form?
These are the key questions we will examine in this introductory module. Through a series of workshops you will be systematically introduced to the creative and technical aspects governing key media forms. This module will equip you with the ability to identify the elements contributing to successful public communications in different media. You will use this understanding and knowledge to engage in the analysis of media texts and in the design of a public communications project using appropriate media forms.
While you will be provided brief introductions and demonstrations of technical processes involved in different media, this is not a technical training module. You will develop an awareness of the technical elements as part of a broader understanding of factors contributing to the process of effective communication in different mediums; this module will enable you to conceive and plan an effective project. You will be able to develop your technical skills in subsequent modules which involve media production.
To provide students with a systematic understanding of the defining aesthetic, stylistic and technical aspects of key media forms
To provide students with understanding of the communicative possibilities and limits of different media forms
To provide students with understanding of hybrid media forms and convergent media systems
To provide students with creative and technical skills required to conceptualise a clearly defined public communications project using appropriate media forms
Intended Learning Outcomes
recognise and explain the significance of aesthetic, stylistic and technical aspects specific to different media;
will be achieved by assessments: 1
apply knowledge of the communicative possibilities and limits of different media to develop a media project proposal; will be achieved by assessments: 2
demonstrate knowledge of developments in hybrid media and convergent media sysytems in the analysis of media texts and the planning of media projects; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
work effectively in groups;
will be achieved by assessments: 1
engage in effective problem solving;
will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
communicate ideas effectively in oral and written form.
will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
10 X 2 Hours Workshops
40 Hours Workshop Preparation
60 Hours Assessment Preparation
30 Hours Independent Study
Description of Module Assessment
1: Group Presentation weighted 30%Oral presentation incorporating multi-media elements
Working in groups, students prepare and deliver a multi-media presentation of 20 minutes duration, analysing a media text of their choice. Analysis must demonstrate understanding of concepts & techniques introduced in the lectures & workshops.
2: Coursework weighted 70%Written proposal outlining a clearly defined media project
A 2500 word project proposal for a public communications campaign using strategically appropriate media forms. The proposal must demonstrate understanding of the chosen media form(s), audiences and communicative goals.