Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The course comprises 3 phases: Phase 1: Year 1 & 2, Phase 2: Year 3 & 4 , Phase 3: Year 5. This module (Year 1) forms the first part of the 2 year Phase 1. There is an emphasis on learning the fundamentals of biomedical, behavioural and social sciences and some basic clinical skills.. You will have a programme of activities and half day placements across both primary care, secondary care and third sector providers. Included in these placements will be a longitudinal GP placement where you will build up your consultation skills with personal support from a GP tutor.
There is an emphasis on the foundations of biomedical, behavioural and social science knowledge and scholarship skills, embedded in a framework of clinical placements and basic clinical skills.
Intended Learning Outcomes
List of ILOs: 1,2
Indicative breakdown:
Lectures 143 hours
Seminars/workshops 43 hours
Problem Based Learning 66 hours
Anatomy 60 hours
Laboratory Sessions 50 hours
Skill Sessions 25 hours
Placements 36 hours
Independent Learning 777
Description of Module Assessment
1: Mixed Exam weighted 100%Written Knowledge (cumulative testing)
The assessment will be split into 3 assessment points across the year with a final cumulative mark for the year. The assessment will comprise Single Best Answer questions (SBA) and short answers questions.
These marks are taken forward into year 2 and contribute to the knowledge mark in MED-20001
2: Report weighted 0%Academic Mini Review (AMR)
Students are assigned to a supervisor and conduct a literature based review of a topic of their choosing relevant to medicine. The output is a 1000 word written report.
Marks from this assessment carry forward to the scholarship component in MED-20001