Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Successful completion of MED-30001
The aim of Year 4 is to prepare students for the clinical assistantships that form the basis of Year 5, the final year of the undergraduate course. Specifically, by the end of Year 4 students will have completed their acquisition of key knowledge from the three curriculum themes and will have demonstrated that they have achieved core clinical competencies. The year will place an emphasis on the application of core knowledge (both clinical and non-clinical) in clinically relevant contexts.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes 1,2
Lectures: 60 hours
Seminars/workshops: 98 hours
Case illustrated learning: 100 hours
Skills teaching: 43 hours
Placements+SSCs: 1076 hours
Independent study: 140 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Objective Structured Skills & Clinical Examination weighted 50%OSCE
OSCE: Objective Structured Clinical Examination: `Short cases which require students to
examine part of the patient, without taking a history, before reporting their findings. Despite
not requiring a history to be taken, students may still be assessed on their communication
skills. An objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) is similar to spot assessment and involves a
number of stations, each with a different task. Students are given a set time to complete each
station, demonstrating a certain skill. OSCEs take place under exam conditions in the presence
of an observer who scores a check list� (BMA, 2004).
2: Exam weighted 50%Written Knowledge
Written knowledge is based upon 2 x 3hr papers. Each paper is comprised of Single Best Answer (SBA) questions.