Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
How does 'sound' work? How do we transform it with the help of modern technologies? Why do songwriters, arrangers, musicians, sound engineers, and producers make certain choices in a recording studio and how do these choices impact the music and the sound that emerges from the mix? In this module you will address these questions through working on a sound recording project. This practical work will be supplemented with theoretical understanding. Just like music producers do, you will face fascinating challenges: understanding the music, understanding the studio setup, managing the project, social interactions with your team, and turning your `vision� of the final music mix into reality using the available human and technological resources. You will learn to quickly and efficiently network with peers to achieve these ends.
To establish a balanced integration of the theoretical principles and practical manipulation of sound in studio.
To introduce students to elements of acoustics, electro-acoustics and digital audio for future practical modules at Levels 5 and 6 that will focus on application of audio technologies. Further, the module will provide students with an opportunity to develop their practical technical skills as music production engineers.
To establish for students a practical foundation for the use of sound recording techniques, including the use of transducers (e.g. microphones and loudspeakers) to be developed in future optional modules or project options at Level 5 and 6.
To enable students to engage with technical and aesthetic concerns related to sound quality in recording and mixes.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge of core concepts, rules and physical measurements of acoustic phenomena and their representation in the digital domain: 2
Comprehend and interpret core concepts, rules and physical measurements of acoustic phenomena and their representation in the digital domain, and apply methods and theories learnt in the module: 2
Analyse, appraise and critique the main sonic features of music recordings: 2
Demonstrate knowledge of empirical methods to carry out small-scale sound recording and mixing tasks in a music studio: 2
Illustrate concepts, rationale and working practices, relating them to the facts and theories covered during the module: 2
30 hours of contact time, to include:
10 hours lectures, seminars and demonstrations
10 hours workshops
10 hours small group tutorials
Individual study:
30 hours of preparation for workshops, group work and tutorials
90 hours of preparation for the summative assessment
Description of Module Assessment
1: Seen Exam weighted 50%Take-away assignment
An individual take-away assignment delivered online, featuring fifteen questions, including: a combination of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, true/false questions, numerical questions, ranking questions, problem-solving questions and brief reports on lab experiments to be carried out during the take-away period (28 hours).
2: Project weighted 50%Music recording project
Music recording/mixing project. Record and mix a band recording of 2-5 minutes. The studio sound recording and mixing will be carried out in small groups consisting of 2 to 3 students. Students will be responsible to arrange who is going to play what instrument among themselves. They can also invite colleagues who can play on instruments outside the module. The track can be in any genre, original or cover.
Minimum requirements: at least three separate musical parts (instruments) recorded via different microphones by students working independently. In the mix, students are expected to use compression, equalisation and gating or any other process that the students feel complements the recording to produce the best possible sounding outcome. Students will be awarded a collective mark for the recording and mixing and students' individual engagement in the process will be monitored and supervised by the module tutor.
Each member of the group will submit a technical report of 1200 words that will demonstrate his/her individual engagement and contribution to the project. It may involve explanations of the planning and realisation of the recording project (including photos of mic placement with clear captions detailing the choice of microphone, type and polarity; screenshots with captions to demonstrate the use of plug-ins for compression and gating, and a brief evaluation of the recording and mixing. In the report, students are also required to demonstrate recollection and understanding of facts and concepts covered during the lectures and tutorials.