Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
To develop further the students' performance skills in music already established at Level 5; the module is designed to deepen and broaden the students' critical awareness of essential aspects and qualities inherent in professional performance of classical music, pop/rock and jazz, world music, electroacoustic interactive music, DJ'ing, etc
Intended Learning Outcomes
perform with high levels of stylistic sensitivity and musical understanding, demonstrating a deep understanding of both historical and contemporary instrumental and electroacoustic performance styles: 1,2
engage in all aspects of performance, deportment, dress, entrance and exit and acknowledgment of public response: 2
carry out practice-based research and describe in programme notes the context, character, style and form of the works to be performed, using a style appropriate to the audience: 1
work productively to produce a balanced recital in terms of style, which also reflects the musical and technical versatility appropriate to the student: 1,2
gain a wider knowledge of and familiarity with repertoire: 1,2
develop critical faculties in analysis of both live and recorded performances: 1,2
30 hours seminars and workshops
120 hours seminar preparation
150 hours preparation for and completion of assessed recital (including 60 hours listening and score study, programme note research)
Description of Module Assessment
1: Short Paper weighted 10%Programme Notes
Students to prepare short written notes on the works which they are to perform. Length: 600- 800 words.
2: Performance weighted 90%40-minute recital
Students will present a public 40 minute recital that may include: classical instrumental and/or vocal music, pop/rock/jazz music, world and folk music, electroacoustic interactive music, DJ'ing, audio and/or audiovisual and spatial works, etc.