MUT-30012 - Digital Arts Creative Portfolio 2 - ISP
Coordinator: Miroslav Spasov Room: CKF05 Tel: +44 1782 7 33298
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module provides you with an opportunity to use and expand the skills you acquired during level 4 and level 5 to build up a double-portfolio of creative works. You will develop the portfolio using the tools and techniques available in the Music Technology labs. The content of the portfolio is negotiated with the tutors so you have some freedom in deciding what you want to do. The portfolio you build can be taken away with you after your degree as a `show reel� or `demo� of what you are capable of as creative technologist. You will work independently under the supervision of an assigned tutor towards the preparation of a final individual public show/concert, where you will present your work to the examiners and to an audience.

To provide a framework for students to develop skills in creative work using digital audio and video technology tools and techniques. To give students the opportunity to develop further their artistic personality benefiting from the creative and technical context within which they operated during the three years of the Music Technology Principal. To engage with the planning and delivery of a public concert/exhibition to showcase the student�s creative output and working practices.

Intended Learning Outcomes

demonstrate awareness of the issues of time management and resource constraints involved in project work in the creative industries: 1
illustrate to a small/medium size audience the concepts, rationale and working practices utilised to plan and produce the works in the portfolio: 1
apply theories, methods of inquiry, knowledge and techniques to produce independently a large portfolio of creative work in various styles and media: 1
apply theories, methods of inquiry, knowledge and techniques to plan and self-manage a large scale individual creative endeavour: 1

Study hours

44 hours (or equivalent) of lectures, small group workshops, individual supervision, group presentations. Some of the contact time may be in the form of computer-mediated learning (interaction with course material available on-line).
20 hours of reflection, revision and consolidation of lectures, workshops and individual supervisons content, research through bibliographical and computer mediated sources through individual or group study work.
4 hours to prepare, discuss, write and finalise the project proposal.
20 hours of practical work in the lab or student's own digital audio workstation on preliminary tasks, research and experiments on the tools needed for the project (hardware, software, studio equipments, portable recorders and camcorders).
184 hours of preparation of creative project portfolio and supporting documentation.
20 hours to plan, prepare and rehearse the assessed show/presentation.
8 hours to prepare and package the material to be submitted for archive purposes.

School Rules

You are expected to be familiar with most of the creative audio and video technologies necessary to tackle most of the portfolio work contained in your proposal.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Presentation weighted 100%
Public assessed show/presentation of a double portfolio of works.
You will present a double portfolio of creative works produced in the studios using digital technologies. The duration of the portfolio will be 16 minutes of material, or equivalent. The portfolio will be presented and assessed during an individual concert/show, during which you will use the show venue sound/video system to best render your work. You will illustrate the main features of the techniques you adopted giving short speeches, in the fashion of a board meeting. You will also be required to submit a copy of the material you present during the show, for archiving purposes. Each presentation will be assessed by two examiners simultaneously in attendance who will assess all presentations for that cohort.