MUT-40005 - Advanced Techniques in Creative Music Technologies
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

Advanced Techniques in Creative Music Technologies allows students to develop, with a small team of tutors, advanced skills in an area of study related to their developing individual research interests (e.g. using digital music controllers, developing new interfaces for music expression, advanced audio processing techniques). Content is determined by individual negotiation between student and supervisor, to include a range of directed work and research planning.

To develop, with a small team of tutors, advanced skills in an area of study related to
students' developing individual research interests (e.g. using digital music controllers,
developing new interfaces for music expression, advanced audio processing

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate systematic knowledge of, critically evaluate and apply the techniques, technologies and methodologies applicable to research, creative practice, technology development and advanced scholarship in music technology. will be achieved by assessments: 01, 02
Systematically and creatively assess the relationships between methods of and approaches to composition and performance, and interpretations thereof, in relevant themes, issues, and technologies. will be achieved by assessments: 01, 02
Demonstrate suitably advanced compositional skills in chosen style(s) and media, emphasising the ability to conceive ideas, develop them in a consistent way, present them effectively, and reflect critically on compositional processes. will be achieved by assessments: 01
Apply technical skills on specific advanced tools or tasks related to digital
arts. will be achieved by assessments: 01
Demonstrate selfdirection and originality in employing strategies to address problems, issues, theories or debates in the academic discipline will be achieved by assessments: 01
Communicate appropriately through use of higher level writing skills, aimed at specialist and nonspecialist audiences, with appropriate use of academic referencing will be achieved by assessments: 02

Study hours

Contact time (supervisions+presentation workshop): 12 hours
Seminar preparation and research (152 hours)
Assessment preparation and completion (136 hours)

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Practice Based Assessment weighted 80%
Portfolio of composed works or performance or technology development (e.g. software for realtime control of musical parameters), or a combination of the above (e.g. software development for a realtime music controller + improvisation recital with the controller� software development + composition portfolio created using the software� etc.). Projects are accompanied by a 2000 word report contextualising the practical work.

2: Presentation weighted 20%
Presentation of work in progress (e.g. composition, software, etc.) in the form of a conference paper. 20 minutes: 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. The presentation's content, format and delivery, including Q&A, will be assessed.