NUR-10061 - Clinical Midwifery Practice 1
Coordinator: Jennifer Cooper Tel: +44 1782 7 38140
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 60
Study Hours: 808
School Office: 01782 556723

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

During this module, students will develop clinical midwifery skills and theoretical knowledge underpinning midwifery care and practice. Students will develop an understanding of the evidence base used to support effective care provision.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

recognise the importance of informed consent and respecting the woman�s rights and choices: 2
demonstrate the ability to use evidence-based approaches for building relationships, care-giving and communicating information in the maternity setting: 2
evidence of achievement of progression part 1 under observation and participation meeting the proficiencies, skills and values as required of the programme and NMCb (2019) standards: 3
demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and understanding safely and effectively, using evidence based practice to optimise outcomes for women and newborn infants in clinical practice at academic level 4 and across mapped domains (NMCb, 2019)
: 3
evidence achievement of accurate drug calculations for a range of medicines as required by standard 3.19 (NMC, 2019a) & 6.49.5 (NMC, 2019b) in part 1 of the programme: 1
demonstrate the ability to perform clinical skills and apply knowledge safely and effectively, using evidence-based practice: 2
discuss the midwifery care for a woman/fetus/neonate to optimise normal physiological processes: 2

Study hours

This module will comprise of 48hrs of scheduled learning via either face-to-face, online or group work sessions to facilitate clinical simulation and skills, 40hrs of independent study comprising 15 hours directed study related to module content and 25 hrs self directed and assessment preparation. There are 720 placement hrs over 18 weeks based on 40hrs per week with 2.5 hrs reflective time per week: 240hrs summative placement over 6 weeks x3.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Competence weighted 0%
Computer software test of numeracy and drugs calculation
This is a one hour e- learning software numeracy examination. As a tool for assessing numeracy and drugs calculation, it should demonstrate students' ability and competence with safe drug calculations and medicine administration in clinical practice.

2: Practical Exam weighted 50%
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
This interactive examination in a simulated environment will focus on students' performance in selected clinical tasks by assessing their ability to discuss elements of clinical practice and explain the underpinning theory. There will be two stations each with a different scenario drawn from clinical practice. The students will rotate through both stations using the equipment and clinical records used in practice.

3: Competence weighted 50%
Practice-based assessment
This is an assessment undertaken by practice supervisors and practice assessors as on an on-going basis of clinical competence and achievement of learning outcomes in practice placements. There are 4 elements within this assessment; professional behaviours, practice based episodes, proficiencies and holistic assessment of care. The holistic assessment descriptors assessment will be completed by the practice assessor, this will be translated into a grade using marking criteria by the academic assessor.