Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to develop your knowledge and evidence base regarding conditions affecting fetal development and the newborn infant. This knowledge will enable you to recognise complications, respond promptly with best practice and provide holistic care for the sick and vulnerable neonate.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
address additional care needs of a fetus/neonate with pre-existing or emerging complications and explain their pathophysiology
: 1,2
discuss and analyse the evidence-based interventions which underpin the midwifery and medical management of fetal/neonatal complications to optimise outcomes: 2
demonstrate skills of numeracy, literacy, digital, and technological literacy needed to ensure safe and effective midwifery practice (standard of proficiency 1.23 & 5.12, NMC, 2019b): 1,2
This module will comprise of 50hrs of scheduled learning via either face-to-face, online or group work sessions, 100hrs of independent study comprising 50 hours directed study related to module content and 50 hrs self directed and assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Website weighted 50%Collaborative Website
Students will be required to work in small groups of 3-4 to create a patient-facing website which focuses on a fetal or neonatal condition. As a minimum, the website should use the students' underpinning knowledge of the condition to provide women and families with information about how the condition is identified, pathophysiology of the condition and how the fetus/neonate is affected. The website should contain additional links which demonstrate knowledge of the midwifery care and medical management of the condition.
A group mark will be awarded for the website. There is a word limit of 500 words.
2: Coursework weighted 50% Individual supporting work- video/audio/podcast/blog
Students will have a choice to submit their individual report as either an audio/video/podcast/blog (with 10 minutes equivalent to 1000 words) which is directed towards midwifery professionals. The report should reflect on the collaborative element of assessment 1 and also use evidence-based research to discuss the midwifery and medical management of the chosen fetal condition. References to be supplied by the student. Proforma for submission to be provided for students.