Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to develop the knowledge and evidence base required to promote effective midwifery care. In addition, you will be introduced to complications affecting the pregnancy continuum and your role in assessment and management.
Intended Learning Outcomes
discuss the additional care needs of women reporting pre-existing or emergent complications and explain how the pathophysiology of such complications may impact on the childbearing process/transition to parenthood: 1
evaluate the midwifery care and medical management of a woman experiencing a complex pregnancy and its outcomes
: 1
with regards to women with additional care needs, evaluate the impact of working collaboratively with other professional agencies when implementing evidence-based care to maximise perinatal outcomes: 1
demonstrate skills of literacy, digital, and technological literacy needed to ensure safe and effective midwifery practice (standard of proficiency 1.23 & 5.12, NMC, 2019b: 1
This module will comprise of 50hrs of scheduled learning via either face-to-face, online or group work sessions, 100hrs of independent study comprising 50 hours directed study related to module content and 50 hrs self directed and assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Case Study weighted 100%Maternal case study
2500 word case study in which the student is required to identify a woman who has a current or emerging complexity of pregnancy. The case study should examine the underpinning pathophysiology of the maternal condition as well as consider the potential impact upon the pregnancy and fetus. The case study should explore current evidence to evaluate best practice of midwifery care and medical management