Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Explore the organisation of care and how effectively the maternity service safeguards and prioritises the needs and preferences of women and newborn infants.�
Investigate the drivers and challenges associated with changing service provision and enhancing the sustainability of the maternity service.
Encourage you to critically analyse the evidence base and data to support and inform best midwifery policy and practice and your service improvement.� � �
Intended Learning Outcomes
develop a different way of organising care using quality improvement and change management processes, evaluating how this could impact on women, newborn infants, partners and families: 1
evaluate how effectively the organisation of care prioritises the needs and preferences of women and newborn infants and provides an accessible service: 1
critically appraise how effectively the organisation of care contributes to the health and safeguarding of women and newborn infants, partners and families: 1
critically reflect on the impact of the organisation of care on sustainable mental health and well-being of the parents and newborn: 1
identify, critically analyse and interpret research evidence, local, national and international data and reports to inform best midwifery policy and practice: 1
critically analyse the strengths and limitations of quantitative and qualitative studies, including ethical considerations, study design and data analysis: 1
critically evaluate the ability to provide sustainable health care: 1
demonstrate skills of literacy and technological literacy needed to ensure safe and effective midwifery practice (standard of proficiency 1.23 & 5.12, NMC, 2019b): 1
This module will comprise of 60hrs of scheduled learning via either face-to-face, online or group work sessions, 390hrs of independent study comprising 60 hours directed study related to module content and 330 hrs self directed and assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Project weighted 100%Service Improvement Project 8,000 words
A project in which you will identify an aspect of midwifery policy or practice which would benefit from development as a service improvement. The project will be grounded in the literature and include a rationale to contextualise the change being proposed; and an account of the actions taken to operationalise the strategy and evaluation of results.