Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
To explore your personal professional practice and growth in relation to the legal and professional expectations and challenges.
To evaluate your leadership abilities and issues arising from working as a team member and a leader.
Intended Learning Outcomes
critically reflect on their personal professional practice and growth as a midwife in relation to the professional regulatory legal framework and working in partnership with women and their families: 1
evaluate their ability to lead and manage midwifery care, working collaboratively, challenging colleagues, escalating concerns and influencing others: 1
critically reflect on their personal learning from complex and unpredictable situations, the management of near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events: 1
critically reflect on their strategies to support sustainable health and well-being which contribute to safe and effective practice for themselves and for others: 1
demonstrate the skills of digital and technological literacy needed to ensure safe and effective midwifery practice (standard of proficiency 1.23 & 5.12, NMC, 2019b): 1
This module will comprise of 40hrs of scheduled learning via either face-to-face, online or group work sessions, 110hrs of independent study comprising 55 hours directed study related to module content and 55 hrs self directed and assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 100%2000 word written or oral presentation (student choice)
This assessment is a reflection on your growth in the following areas:
- Being a professional
- Being a leader
- Managing complex and unpredictable situations
- Sustaining health and well-being for yourself and for others
You will develop a personal theme board charting your progress. This will form part of your contribution to an online action learning set and work collaboratively to share and discuss your personal theme boards. Students will have the choice as to how best they feel they can demonstrate achieving the requirements of the assessment and provide an integrated overview of experience illustrating personal/ professional leadership development.
You can choose whether to present your theme board as part of a presentation assessment (15 minutes plus 5 minutes of questions and answers) or to submit a personal reflection on your growth and development of 2,000 words.