The module follows the College of Paramedics Curriculum Guidance for professional, legal and personal attributes (CoP, 2019) as part of the new MSci Paramedic Science programme. The module will provide students with an introduction to professionalism in the healthcare professions. Accountability and responsibility in the areas of ethics, legislation and professional duty of care, directly aligned to the professional requirements for paramedic practice will be covered in the module. Within this module, the student will consider the ethical and legal frameworks within paramedic practice and the relevant legislation. Students will also discuss areas of culture, diversity and equality and their role within multi-disciplinary communications.
Content linked to the College of Paramedic Curriculum Guidance for Public Health and Wellbeing (CoP, 2019), the Health and Care ProfessionsCouncil Standards of Proficiency for Paramedics (HCPC, 2014) and QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Paramedics (QAA, 2019)
College of Paramedics
ILO 3 & 4 & Indicative Content
Diversity and inclusivity
ILO 2 & Indicative Content
Legal systems and healthcare law
C1.4.1, C1.4.2
ILO 1 & Indicative Content
Frameworks for professional practice
C1.4.3, C1.4.4
Indicative Content
Philosophy in paramedic practice
C1.4.5, C1.4.6, C1.4.7
ILO 2 & Indicative Content
Healthcare Ethics
ILO 3 & Indicative Content
Communication skills
C1.6.1, C1.6.2, C1.6.3
Indicative Content
Professional behaviours
C1.6.4, C1.6.5, C1.6.6, C1.6.7, C1.6.8, C1.6.9
ILO 4 & Indicative Content
Human factors
C1.6.13, C1.6.14, C1.6.15
Indicative Content
C1.7.1, C1.7.3, C1.7.4, C1.7.5
Indicative Content
Team Working
C1.7.12, C1.7.14
Available at:
Health and Care Professions Council
ILO 2 & Indicative Content
1. be able to practise safely and effectively within their scope of practice
ILO 1 & 2 & Indicative
2. be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7,
5. be aware of the impact of culture, equality and diversity on practice
Indicative Content
5.1, 5.2
7. understand the importance of and be able to maintain confidentiality
Indicative Content
7.1, 7.2,
8. be able to communicate effectively
ILO 3 & Indicative
8.3, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8
9. be able to work appropriately with others
Indicative Content
9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6
10. be able to maintain records appropriately
Indicative Content
11. be able to reflect on and review practice
Indicative Content
13. understand the key concepts of the knowledge base relevant to their profession
ILO 1 & Indicative Content
13.3, 13.4
Available at:
All Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics - Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, 2016)
Available at
QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Paramedics
ILO 4 & Indicative Content
ILO 2 & Indicative Content
Indicative Content
x, xi, xxiii
ILO 4 & Indicative
Available at:
2000 word assignment based on a Case-based/group work 'trigger' linked to professional paramedic practice