Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will enable the student to further develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding of a range of assessment techniques and clinical skills/interventions within the scope of practice for a paramedic. An introduction to legislation surrounding confidentiality, data protection, and information governance accompanies the theoretical underpinnings for the module enabling students to have sound working knowledge of legal boundaries pertinent to caring for service users.
This module aims to further develop students' knowledge and understanding of the scope of paramedic practice and enhances skills of patient assessment, management, and the recording of findings including information governance. The theory of core clinical skills and invasive procedures for paramedic practice, including their practical applications, alongside an introduction to the theories of clinical decision making, will be central elements to the module. Students who successfully complete this module will be able to apply a range of techniques and skills for the management of a range of patients in unscheduled, urgent, and emergency care in both the out-of-hospital and in-hospital settings.
Content linked to the College of Paramedic Curriculum Guidance (CoP, 2019), the Health and Care Professions Council Standards of Proficiency for Paramedic (HCPC, 2014) and QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Paramedics (QAA, 2019)
College of Paramedics
Indicative Content
C1.2.3, C1.2.4
Communication and history taking
ILO 1, 2 & 3 & Indicative Content
C1.3.1, C1.3.2, C1.3.3, C1.3.4
Models of patient assessment
Indicative Content
Patient groups
ILO 1 & Indicative Content
C1.3.6, C1.3.7, C1.3.8
Risk evaluation
ILO 3 & Indicative Content
C1.3.9, C1.3.10, C1.3.11, C1.3.12, C1.3.13
Intervention and monitoring
ILO 2 & 3 & Indicative Content
C1.3.14, C1.3.15, C1.3.16, C1.3.17, C1.3.18, C1.3.19, C1.3.20
Clinical reasoning and decision-making
Indicative Content
C1.3.21, C1.3.22, C1.3.23
Physical assessment skills
Indicative Content
C1.3.24, C1.3.25
Legal systems and healthcare law
Indicative Content
C1.4.1, C1.4.2
Philosophy in paramedic practice
C1.4.5, C1.4.6
Health informatics
Indicative Content
C1.5.11, C1.5.12
Professional behaviours
Indicative Content
Team working
Indicative Content
C1.7.13, C1.7.14
Health and Care Professions Council:
2 be able to practise within the legal and ethical
boundaries of their profession
ILO 1, 3 & 4 & Indicative Content
2.5, 2.7
7 understand the importance of and be able to maintain
ILO 4 & Indicative Content
7.1, 7.2, 7.3,
8 be able to communicate effectively
ILO 1, 2, 3 & Indicative Content
8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9;
11 be able to reflect on and review practice
ILO 4 & Indicative Content
13.11 understand the following aspects of clinical science:
Indicative Content
13.11.4, 13.11.5
14 be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills to
inform practice
ILO 1, 2 & 3 & Indicative Content
14.1, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9, 14.22;
15 understand the need to establish and maintain a safe
practice environment
ILO 3 & Indicative Content
15.1, 15.4, 15.5, 15.7,
QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Paramedics
Indicative Content
i, iii
ILO 1 & Indicative Content
Indicative Content
ILO 3 & Indicative Content
xx Knowledge of the theoretical basis of assessment, treatment and management and
the scientific evaluation of their effectiveness
Intended Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate the ability to conduct a structured, comprehensive health history applying appropriate forms of verbal and non-verbal communication for a diverse range of service users: 1
Gather, interpret and reflect upon information gained from service users in relation to their care and experience.: 4
Demonstrate the ability to perform invasive and non-invasive clinical procedures within the scope of paramedic practice and explain the indications, contraindications and limitations of using specific paramedic techniques: 2,3
Critically analyse and reflect on issues of confidentiality, data protection, and information governance and the correlation with professionalism: 4
Lead lectures - 20 hours
Demonstrations - 10 hours
Practical Classes and Workshops - 60 hours
Supervised time Skills facilitation - 10 hours
Independent Study - 200 hours to include directed reading, research and assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Practical Assessment weighted 0%Practical Assessment 1 - 15 minutes
Practical Assessment 1 - Students have 15 minutes to take a health history from a simulated patient.
2: Practical Assessment weighted 0%Practical Assessment 2 - 15 minutes
Practical Assessment 2 - Students have to perform step-wise airway assessment and management included mechanical ventilation.
3: Practical Assessment weighted 0%Practical Assessment 3 - 15 minutes
Practical Assessment 3 to run concurrent to Practical Assessment 2 - 15 minutes to perform an invasive technique following principles of ANTT
4: Reflective Analysis weighted 100%2000 word critical reflection
2000 word critical reflection - Students are required to critically reflect on an experience of gathering a detailed health history from a patient in clinical practice with a focus on issues of confidentiality, data protection, and information governance.