PCS-10017 - Addressing local and regional health challenges
Coordinator: Ross Wilkie Room: MSPC1.74 Tel: +44 1782 7 34845
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module will encourage a focus on inequality and inequity at a local level (populations less than 100,000). Local and regional data will be used to identify where health inequalities and inequity exists. We will encourage you to develop solutions to how inequality and inequity can be reduced in local communities. This will include developing your knowledge of the wider determinants of health and how to empower individuals and populations to improve health. Key lectures and group work with other students will support your learning in this interesting area of study, and enable you to apply this to public health and wellbeing in a range of contexts relating to possible future career choices.

The module aims are to develop student's understanding of local and regional health needs and for them to propose ways to reduce inequality and inequity.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Identify the reasons for health at a local level: 1
Identify the reasons for health inequity at a local level: 1
Explain how strategies can be used to improve population health at a local level: 1

Study hours

25 hours face to face time, including 8 hours lectures, 7 hours discussions and 10 hours group work
125 hours independent study

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Case Study weighted 100%
A 2000 word case study
A 2000 word case study, which focuses on one area of inequality/inequity at a local/regional level. This will include justification to why it is an issue and a proposal to how this will be reduced.