PHA-20022 - Current Topics in Regenerative Medicine
Coordinator: Abigail Rutter Tel: +44 1782 674085
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

The module is a part of the optional credits for the BSc in Cell and Tissue Engineering and it will expose students to seminal discoveries in the field of Regenerative medicine through research seminars with national and international invited speakers, leaders in their field of research. Informal journal clubs will help students to understand the importance of those discoveries and develop a critical approach when reading scientific publications. Students will be expected to attend the Lunchtime Seminar Series organised by the School and attend and prepare journal clubs to identify the novelty of a study and the possible shortcomings.

The module aims to expose students to �hot topics� of regenerative medicine and to acquire a critical approach when participating in scientific seminars and reading scientific literature.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Discuss cutting edge research that is underpinned by regenerative medicine.: 2
Explore how our understanding of replacing, repairing and rejuvenating tissues has developed using the latest innovational approaches in regenerative medical research.: 2
Use critical skills in analysing, discussing an presenting information from primary research articles in the regenerative medical field and hone the ability to extract relevant information from related research seminars.: 1,2
Demonstrate skills in writing and orally presenting on topics in regenerative medicine.: 1,2

Study hours

Seminars: 8 hours
Journal Clubs: 16 hours (2 hour session on each seminar)
Introduction lecture: 2 hours
Formative Sessions: 4 hours
Presentation: 4 hours
116 hours independent study

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 50%
Research Article Introduction
At the end of semester 1, the student will need to prepare the introduction (1500 words) of an unpublished research article from which the original introduction will be removed. The unpublished research article will be selected by the academics and provided to the students 4 weeks before the deadline.

2: Presentation weighted 50%
Journal club Presentation
The student will need to prepare and present a 15 minute Journal Club at the end of the module. The research article to be analysed will be a publication related to the School research interest (in the field of regenerative medicine, tissue bioengineering, stem cell, gene therapy, nanomedicine) and it will be selected with the help of the academics in pre-timetabled formative sessions. The student will host a Journal club, presenting a summation of the selected article and lead the session. This will be followed by a discussion section, with questions, led by 2 examining academics who will lead the questions and facilitate a group discussion on the presentation of the article.