Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to further develop students' core skills in relation to the practice and science of pharmacy in the context of clinical care of patients. The module completes the implementation of the plan to create a modern, integrated and fully contextualised MPharm course, continuing a course structure that will be familiar to students progressing from previous years. The structure, of one year-long fully integrated programme of study, allows material to be delivered in a coherent and logical order, and enables effective monitoring and feedback mechanisms. Students will also have the opportunity to gain the necessary theoretical background to becoming an independent pharmacist prescriber.
Students will also explore specialisms within pharmacy, including research and sector-specific practice. On completion of this module students will be fully prepared to enter their pre-registration training year.
This module aims to further develop students core skills in relation to the practice and science of pharmacy in the context of clinical care of patients. Students will also continue to explore specialisms within pharmacy, including research and sector-specific practice.
On completion of this module students will be fully prepared to enter their pre-registration training year.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Apply a systematic understanding of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmaceutics to the process of therapeutic decision making and the rationale and role of drug therapy: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Demonstrate knowledge of and apply an integrated approach towards patient care which links pharmaceutical science and
pharmacy practice
: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply the principles of evidence based medicine to clinical and therapeutic scenarios and critically evaluate complex therapeutic
regimens: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply a systematic knowledge of the current understanding of the epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical features and diagnosis of disease states to solve problems concerning the management of specified diseases and clinical conditions: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply comprehensive knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences, clinical therapeutics and evidence based principles to the process of diagnosis, clinical management of disease and therapeutic decision making: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Critically evaluate patients' responses to therapeutic interventions and modify treatment where appropriate: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply a systematic understanding of the consultation process including an understanding of compliance and concordance and
demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the different members of the prescribing team and the
responsibilities of a pharmacist prescriber: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the legal, policy, professional, ethical and clinical governance frameworks for accountability and responsibility in relation to pharmacist prescribing: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply a comprehensive knowledge of the regulation of health care professions and fitness to practice, in particular in relation to pharmacists in their extended roles as consultant pharmacists, independent prescribers, pharmaceutical health specialists and clinical team leaders: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Explain in detail how molecular genetics can be applied in clinical research, in the diagnosis of disease states, and in the design of
appropriate therapies using pharmacogenomics: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply a systematic and detailed understanding of the dynamic nature of genes in populations and the possible causes of inherited
and acquired genetic diseases: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Interpret the impact of recent advances in therapeutics on patient care: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Develop an original health promotion service by drawing on a systematic and integrated knowledge of applied therapeutics in the
context of public health: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Undertake critical appraisal of the impact on pharmacy practice of recent legislative changes (including EC directives) and
professional developments: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Critically evaluate current research and advanced scholarship and practice in selected specialist topics and accurately undertake
data acquisition in a relevant project area if appropriate: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Apply a systematic and detailed understanding of the legal, professional and contractual frameworks governing healthcare and use these to critically evaluate the implications of recent changes in the healthcare environment, particularly in relation to pharmacy: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Communicate progress reports and conclusions on work carried out to specialist and non-specialist audiences: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Show self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Communicate complex concepts effectively, both orally and in writing, in a manner that reflects professional practice: 1,3,4,5,6,7
Taught sessions (including large- and small-group teaching sessions, seminars, tutorials, electives, projects and one-to-one interaction): 300 hours (approx.)
Directed study linked to the above: 500 hours (approx.)
Non-directed private study and preparation time for assessment: 400 hours (approx.)
Total: 1,200 hours
NB there will be variation in the contact time for individual students based upon the balance of project and optional study topics selected.
Successful completion of MPharm Programme Stage 3 (FHEQ Level 6).
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 15%Shared Decision Making (SDM) consultation and Patient Case
Each student to conduct a role-played consultation with a patient to arrive at a shared decision about their care. Students will also undertake a formal presentation of a patient case the details of which will be obtained whilst on clinical placement. The presentation will be delivered at Keele. Both assessment components will be performed individually and weighted equally. So 50:50 weighting, making each worth 7.5% of the overall assessment component mark.
2: Group Project weighted 10%Health Promotion Project
Students will work collaboratively to design and deliver a health promotion campaign, including production of health promotion materials.
NB As these are "live" activities conducted and assessed in public locations, it is not possible to assess these activities anonymously.
3: Coursework weighted 50%Electives - Option topics and/or project
The weighting of this component is equally split between the research project and option topic mark. Students will be assessed in their chosen elective topics. Those students undertaking a research project, audit or service evaluation will complete a report on this along with a variety of assessment methods within the optional topics. These may include (but are not exclusive to) presentations, critiques, essays and tests.
Students will be assessed by form of a project in an area of research, audit or service evaluation chosen by tutor and student (70% of this component) followed by a poster presentation (20% of this component).
The low stakes assessments (LSAs) will make up the remaining 10% of this component. There will be five small engagement tasks of equal weighting (2%); one of these being the project activity journal.
These LSAs will total 2.5% of the overall stage 4 module mark.
4: Online Tasks weighted 5%Contribution to online discussions on current developments
Students will participate in a blog of current issues in pharmacy and healthcare generally.
NB It is not possible to assess participation in this activity anonymously.
5: Objective Structured Skills & Clinical Examination weighted 0%Final competency based assessment
Students will complete a multi-station competency based assessment (CBA) that will focus on skills and knowledge required for day one of pharmacy practice. CBA stations will include for example: dispensing exercises, clinical skills, communication skills in the context of health promotion, recent changes to governance and regulatory requirements. There will be an opportunity for formative / mock assessment in the CBA under exam conditions and students will be able to gain exemption from the final assessment based on performance in the mock assessment.
NB some elements of the CBA will involve face-to-face interaction and hence not be marked anonymously.
6: Professional Development weighted 0%Professional skills development
This assessment comprises students participation in a number of activities that reflect attributes of pharmacists in professional practice. These will include participation in reflective practice in CPD cycles, participation in ethical case studies and participation in the Professional Activity Credits (PAC) scheme.
7: Exam weighted 20%MCQs and clinical problem solving
This examination will comprise a combination of MCQ and a time-limited series of unseen cases. The exam will focus on the non-elective teaching materials studied.