PHY-10023 - Electricity and Stellar Structure
Coordinator: Joana Maria Oliveira Room: LJ1.48 Tel: +44 1782 7 33493
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations

Electricity and Magnetism

Description for 2022/23

This level 1 module examines one of the fundamental forces of physics, electromagnetism, developing an understanding of how this applies to widespread physical processes.
The course then turns to stars, showing that the physical laws studied in the course so far can be applied straightforwardly to stars, showing why stars behave and evolve as they do, thus developing an understanding of this most ubiquitous of astrophysical objects.

To help students to understand the basic properties and applications of the electric field, magnetic field, stellar structure and the mathematics required to achieve this understanding. To develop the transferable, practical and computational skills that are required by the practising astrophysicist.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will understand the theoretical and experimental background of electricity and stellar structure, and will appreciate their general physical significance and applications: 1,3,4
Use of mathematics (including calculus) in solving problems: 1,2,4
Perform practical work and keep accurate accounts of it, including professionally maintained records of purpose, methodology, and results. Communicate the process and results of practical work in formal, written presentations. Enter, manipulate, and present data with the aid of computer tools. Develop algorithms and write simple computer program, at a level sufficient to assist in laboratory work at Levels 2 and 3: 3
Students be able to carry out numerical calculations and to solve problems in connection with these topics: 1,2,3,4,5

Study hours

Lectures: 24 hours
Problem Classes: 8 hours
Laboratory Sessions: 12 hours
Computing Classes: 6 hours
Maths Support Classes: 5 hours
Maths Problem Classes: 4 hours

Maths Class Test/Unseen Examination: 1 hour
Completion of Laboratory Reports: 12 hours
Directed Reading/Independent Study: 58 hours
Problem Sheets: 18 hours
Examination: 2 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Unseen Exam weighted 40%
Two hour unseen written examination
Exam paper has three sections: Section A - 10 short questions with total marks 40/100; Section B - choice of 1 out of 2 long questions worth 30/100 marks; Section C - choice of 1 out of 2 long questions worth 30/100 marks.

2: Class Test weighted 20%
One hour unseen Mathematics examination
Maths Class Test

3: Laboratory Assessment weighted 20%
Laboratory and Computing Sessions
Continuous assessment of a laboratory diary of the completed experiments during Laboratory Sessions (weight 30%). Assessment of a formal laboratory report (weight 60%). Assessment of a computer programming exercises (weight 10%).

4: Problem Sheets weighted 10%
Problem Sheets
Three assessed problem sheets.

5: Tutorial weighted 10%
Problem Classes
Tutor-moderated classes in which students complete assigned problems on Maths, Electricity and Stellar Structure, with assistance given as necessary. Assessment is based on weekly attendance and engagement.