Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
You will begin to develop the fundamental scientific techniques and core skills needed to
successfully complete a degree in Physics or Astrophysics: scientific writing, critical
evaluation, scientific presentation and debate, experimental design. Through a variety
of lectures, tutorials, presentation sessions and coursework including a reflective
portfolio you will learn and practice the principles of the scientific method. This includes
basic error analysis, risk assessment, recognising bias, intellectual property and
To understand the scientific method and its relation to philosophy� to acquire skills in
scientific argumentation and presentation, both in written and spoken form� to adopt
a critical attitude towards the work of others and of oneself� to understand the
principles and importance of intellectual property and open access� to understand how
to build on previous work but avoid plagiarism, and to plan a project including a rigorous risk assessment.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
24hr lectures
12hr tutorials
4hr presentation sessions
30hr preparing essay
30hr designing experiment
30hr preparing and reporting on presentation
20hr preparing portfolio
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 25%Critique (~1000 words)
Written essay (approximately 1000 words) presenting arguments for
and against a theory and a critical assessment of both.
2: Research Proposal weighted 25%Research Proposal
Design of an experiment to test or falsify a theory, including project planning and risk assessment. Assessment is based on a completed proforma template, equivalent to approximately 1000 words.
3: Oral Presentation weighted 25%Oral presentation
A 10-minute oral presentation, questions and answers� summarised in a brief proforma.
4: Portfolio weighted 25%Portfolio
Presentation of a module portfolio, with evidence of reflection. The portfolio consists of a report of approximately 1000 words, submitted along with any supporting material.