Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Students carry out a major project. The projects may be experimental, computational or theoretical. Projects involve development of experimental, analytical and reporting skills. Students will be producing a project plan at the end of week 6 and a progress report at the end of week 12. These will be formatively assessed by staff and peer partners. Students will be producing a final report for summative assessment by end of week 23.
This module aims to extend your understanding of physics in the context of independent project work and thereby develop your physics-specific and transferable skills. This project, which may be experimental, computational or theoretical, will allow you to build on the skills base you have acquired during levels 1 and 2 of the course. By the end of the module you will demonstrate good comprehension, planning and execution of your project by applying previously learned skills and knowledge of physics or acquiring new expertise, as appropriate. You will learn how to manage an extensive research investigation and will acquire the ability to work independently demonstrating efficiency, effectiveness and diligence You will learn how to exercise considered discrimination in the pursuit of your specific research activities, both in searching for relevant contextual data and in the choice and presentation of results. Your work will be organised into a clearly argued and presented report of standardised format that makes effective use of relevant literature, theory and analysis and is written in a grammatically correct prose style with clear and appropriate illustrations.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate good comprehension, planning and execution of the project.: 1,2,3,4
Give a short presentation on the progress of the project.: 1
Produce a clear, accurate and informative project report.: 4
Demonstrate a good understanding of the literature associated with the project theme.: 1,2,4
60 hours laboratory time.
50 hours independent research and study.
34 hours report writing.
6 hours preparation for oral presentation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 10%Oral presentation to peer group
10 minutes oral presentation to peer group based on their Physics Project.
2: Oral Exam weighted 10%Assessment interview
10 minutes assessment interview with the project supervisors on their Physics Project work.
3: Project weighted 30%Assessment of project execution
Assessment of the development, execution, peer reviews of the project plan and progress report, maintaining the laboratory diary and progress of their project work. This is equivalent to about 2500 words.
4: Research Report weighted 50%Research report
Report of about 4500 words on context, aim, methods, results and conclusions from their work on the physics project aimed at final year physics student.