Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Successful completion of level 2 Physics/Astrophysics undergraduate programme
Perturbation effects on atomic systems are analysed. The quantum mechanics of simple molecules is studied, including their vibrational and rotational characteristics.
This module aims to extend your understanding of the principles of quantum mechanics and its applications to the structure and properties of atoms and molecules. Building on the material you covered at level 2, you will learn how to tackle more advanced problems using approximate methods such as perturbation theory and the variational principle. We will examine the behaviour of atoms in electric and magnetic fields and explain the origins of transitions between atomic states. The quantum physics of simple molecules and their spectroscopic behaviour will be included. Finally, continuity between classical and quantum physics will be examined and various issues explored.
Intended Learning Outcomes
The ability to apply advanced techniques of quantum mechanics to problems in atomic and molecular physics [1, 2].
A detailed understanding the quantum behaviour of atoms in external electric and magnetic fields [1, 2].
The ability to solve a range of time-dependant quantum mechanical problems [1, 2].
The ability to understand aspects of atomic and molecular spectroscopies in a semi-quantitative fashion [1, 2].
An understanding of the nature of molecular wave-functions [1, 2].
An understanding of the links between classical and quantum physics [1, 2].
24 hours of lectures
20 hours work on problems sheets
98 hours directed reading/private study
6 hours tutorials
Description of Module Assessment
1: Exercise weighted 20%4 PROBLEM SHEETS
Four problem sheets, weighted at 20%
2: Unseen Exam weighted 80%UNSEEN EXAM
Students to answer 3 questions out of 5.