Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Psychology is a hands-on scientific discipline and this 15-credit module is all about getting you �doing� psychology. It will develop your understanding of psychologically relevant statistical analysis methods, building on research methods content taught in semester 1. Appropriate statistical techniques for analysing data from such designs including Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and its non-parametric equivalents are introduced, along with some other statistical analysis techniques appropriate for year 1 psychology. Doing research and designing and analysing your own investigations is challenging, interesting and enjoyable. We hope students share this view having completed the module.
To develop students� understanding and ability to use quantitative research methods in psychology
To develop students� understanding and ability to use parametric (e.g. analysis of variance) and non-parametric (e.g. chi-squared) statistical tests
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Describe the concepts of inference, probability, generalisability and reproducibility: 1,2
Identify when and how to calculate inferential statistics appropriately based on given hypotheses and types of data collected: 1,2
Write up the results of a statistical analysis using APA formatting in a lab report: 2
Take part in and experience or write about the practice of experimental design, data collection and data analysis: 2,3
36 hours taught (1 hour taught class and 2 hours laboratory classes, weekly)
10 hours of RPT (part of assessment, thus not included in taught hours - 8 hours of participation and 2 hours administration to organise this)
50 hours of group work (asynchronous) designing and conducting research
12 hours preparation for class
30 hours to write/read for report
Description of Module Assessment
1: Class Test weighted 20%5 x Continuous fortnightly quiz
As part of laboratory class activities students will sit a continuous assessment of 10-15 item MCQs every fortnight totalling 5, checking understanding of lecture content. These will be delivered via the KLE. The best 4 of the 5 marks will contribute to the student's final grade.
2: Coursework weighted 70%Project Report
Lab report based on group project work - 1500 words. Students will be encouraged to submit a formative lab report for in person feedback from staff on week 7 this will be based on one of the analyses taught on the module. The feedback will focus on the results and discussion sections as students will be attempting these for the first time.
3: Assignment weighted 10%Research Participation
Students will complete 8 hours of research participation time OR they will write a 2000 word essay on research methods or ethics.