Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
'Social Psychology in the Modern World' aims to build upon and advance students' understandings of classic and contemporary social psychological theory, research, and applications. More specifically, the module will evaluate how social psychological theory and research can contribute to understanding possible causes of, and solutions to, important societal and global issues, such as climate change, immigration, religious fundamentalism and genocide. Besides evaluating the relevance and applicability of social psychological theory and research at a macro level, the module will provide students with opportunities to reflect upon the relevance and applicability of social psychology in their own lives. Overall the module will provide students with a comprehensive and balanced understanding of the scope of social psychology in our lives and the world that we live in today.
The aim of the module is to provide students with the opportunity to build upon and advance their understanding of social psychology. The module will explain and evaluate how classic and contemporary social psychological theory and research can be applied to examine and understand possible causes of, and solutions to, important societal and global issues in the world today.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
critically evaluate predominant theoretical and empirical frameworks within social psychology: 1,2
identify and reflect upon the relevance and applicability of social psychological theory and research in their own lives: 1
use advanced literature searching techniques to identify and select literature relevant to specific topics and issues: 1
write coherently and clearly about complex academic topics: 1
apply social psychological theory and research to understand and explain important societal and global phenomena: 1,2
22 hours taught classes.
10 hours of asynchronous learning (online materials and activities)
118 hours personal study (including preparation for taught classes, literature searching/researching, reading, and individual assessment preparation).
Description of Module Assessment
1: Individual Report weighted 80%Report on a Psychology Applied Learning Scenario (PALS)
This assessment requires students to produce an individual report in which they apply social psychological theory and research to address a Psychology Applied Learning Scenario (PALS)
Students will be given a choice of different PALS to address and these may vary from year to year, but the focus will always be upon important contemporary topics and issues.
The word length for the final individual report is 2500 words, excluding references, tables and figures, and supplementary materials.
2: Multiple Choice Questions - Knowledge weighted 20%Bi-weekly Continuous Assessment (Quizzes)
The continuous assessment will consist of 5 x bi-weekly quizzes (containing 8 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)).
Questions will assess factual, comprehension, and application skills. This assessment is designed to test the breadth of student knowledge of the social psychological theory, research and applications covered in the taught classes.