Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will cover commonly-used research methods in psychology, ranging from classical tests through to statistics at the forefront of Psychology. These include factorial ANOVA, multiple regression, and an introduction to Bayesian analysis. Additionally, you will be provided with hands-on experience working on your own research projects. The module develops statistical understanding vital to the comprehension of much psychology research. The logical and numerical skills developed are of use throughout psychology, other disciplines and activities, and are highly regarded by potential employers.
This module will present students with an opportunity to study classic and modern research methods applied by psychologists to investigate human behaviour. Topics are drawn from across the discipline of Psychology, and will provide students with the tools necessary to answer various research questions.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify and calculate inferential statistics appropriately based on given hypotheses and types of data collected: 1,2
conduct, analyse and evaluate an experiment: 1
write an experimental lab report using APA formatting: 1
take part in and experience (or write about) the practice of experimental design, data collection, and data analysis: 3
24 hours of synchronous class activity
24 hours of synchronous lab-class activity
36 hours of prepared asynchronous work
8 hours of research participation time
58 hours of independent study and preparation plus engagement with assessments
Description of Module Assessment
1: Laboratory Report weighted 70%Group Project (Individual Report)
Students, in groups of approximately 5, conduct a small-scale research project, which involves experiment design, execution, and analysis. Each member of the group individually writes up the experiment (2,000 words) in the style of a laboratory report (i.e. abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion).
2: Multiple Choice Questions - Knowledge weighted 20%Fortnightly MCQ quiz
Students will take 5 fortnightly MCQ quizzes. The best 4 scores will be used for the final score for each student, as per the guidelines for continuous assessment in the School of Psychology.
3: Assignment weighted 10%Research Participation
Students will complete approximately 6-8 hours of research participation time OR they will write a 2,000 word essay on research methods or ethics.