Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to:
- provide students with an insight into culturally and personally relevant areas of psychology, demonstrating the impact of the internet and technology on their daily lives
- provide students with research-led teaching from staff who work in this topic area
- show the diversity of a single topic across different sub-disciplines in psychology
- provide students with skills which will be applicable in their professional and personal lives beyond their university studies
Intended Learning Outcomes
Search for, critically evaluate, and utilise in arguments appropriate literature relating to cyberpsychology: 2
Synthesise a rationale for research from extant cyberpsychology literature, and plan an appropriate research project to address this rationale: 2
Plan to communicate ideas relating to cyberpsychology and germane research to a lay audience: 2
Recall information and answer questions relating to cyberpsychology topics covered in the module: 1
20 hours synchronous teaching
6 hours continuous assessment
12 hours asynchronous guided learning activities
112 hours independent study - including time to work on the proposal.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Multiple Choice Questions - Knowledge weighted 20%Continuous assessment MCQs
Students will be given three short MCQ exams over the course of the module. The MCQs are intended to test retention and understanding of material during teaching sessions - no additional reading or work will be required to answer them.
Students will be awarded the best 2 out of 3 marks for these tests.
2: Coursework weighted 80%Research proposal
Students will be asked to propose a program of research that could be undertaken by a researcher. The program should fill a gap in existing knowledge, and not replicate previous work. Support for development of this research idea will be given during class time.
Each member of the teaching team will define parameters and topics that can be covered in the proposal - students can not simply choose any topic they wish, but will have freedom within those boundaries to choose a topic. This is to ensure that the team's expertise will be suitable for marking the work.
The proposal will contain the following sections (with indication of relative length as percentages)
- Literature review 40%
- Summary of gaps in extant research 15%
- Proposed programme of research 30%
- Resources required for research 5%
- Dissemination/public engagement of research on completion 10%
Guidance on completion of these assignment will be given in detail during the teaching sessions
Word count: 2000 words