Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to advance your understanding of qualitative research methods used in Psychology and builds on the content of the first year research methods modules. The module is delivered in weekly lectures and lab classes. The qualitative research methods component includes a range of data collection methods (e.g. interview and written accounts) and different approaches to data analysis (such as thematic analysis, IPA, and discourse analysis). The other half of the module requires you to demonstrate their knowledge of social and developmental psychology with an individual essay.
This module enables you to cover all curriculum content that could otherwise be missed for BPS accreditation if you opted to study abroad for a semester.
This module aims to advance student understanding of qualitative research methods used in social and developmental psychology. It builds on the content of first year methods modules (PSY-10031 and PSY-10036) and the first year social and developmental psychology module (PSY-10033).
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Critically evaluate theory and research in developmental and social psychology: 1,2
Independently locate, study, and synthesise knowledge from different academic sources within the field of developmental and social psychology: 1,2
Design appropriate data collection and analysis strategies to answer research questions: 2
Conduct, analyse and evaluate qualitative research and write up a qualitative lab report using APA formatting: 2
To appreciate the ways in which knowledge of social and developmental psychology is advanced through research: 1,2
11 hours of lectures
22 hours of lab sessions
45 hours preparation of individual lab report
45 hours preparation of essay
27 hours independent study time
This module is only available to Psychology students returning from semester abroad.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 50%1500-word social developmental essay
This essay requires students to write a 1500 word essay critically evaluating psychological theory and research evidence on a topic from social and developmental psychology. Students will be able to select one essay question and will be required to demonstrate knowledge of both social and developmental psychology.
2: Individual Report weighted 50%Individual Qualitative Report
Students will complete a 2,000 word individual qualitative report based on the practical qualitative methods and theoretical issues covered within the module. Students work in research teams influenced by a research subject selected at the beginning of the module. The
individual qualitative report will include specific elements of an empirical paper, such as introduction, research findings (analysis of interview data), for example. In addition to completing the individual qualitative lab report, students will be required to complete in-class
activities structured around designing a research proposal and a lay summary to support peer learning for the individual lab report assessment.