Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The Professionalism and Effective Communication module enables the student to understand the importance and implications of professionalism and gain knowledge of different communication strategies and their application.
Students will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge of their individual learning style and study skills suited to their individual style of learning to apply and utilise throughout the programme.
The module aims to prepare the student to work in diverse healthcare settings whilst also developing transferable skills (such as communication, professionalism, presentation techniques) that can be applied in a variety of healthcare settings and specialities.
To begin to explore the importance of communication in an individual's private and professional life.
To begin to develop the skill of reflection as part of their ongoing personal and professional development.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Describe the role of different health professionals (linked to IPE1)
: 1
Demonstrate understanding of the importance of life-long learning: 2
Demonstrate the ability to engage with reflective practice and process: 1
Identify and describe the key components of effective communication and related theories: Demonstrate understanding and awareness of professionalism and it's implications in team working and feedback: 2
30 tutor-led hours which includes:
15 hours lectures,
13 hours workshops, seminars, tutorials,
2 hours of assessment preparation classes
120 hours of independent study including:
100 hours self-directed study;
10 hours directed self-study;
10 hours of assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Group Presentation weighted 40%Group Presentation on Communication and Professional Roles based on IPE1 experience
15 minute group presentation on communication and professional roles based on IPE1 experience with consideration for CPD. Students will also peer review their groups engagement and contribution using webPA.
2: Reflective Analysis weighted 60%Reflection on Group Working Experience
750 word reflection on the students experience of their formative presentation focussing on group working and professionalism