Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module forms part of the BSc (Hons) Rehabilitation Science programme at Keele University, an innovative, integrated programme which prepares the graduate for further study or employment in a health and social care setting.
This module offers students a broad-based introduction to key organisation and management principles with particular reference to rehabilitation settings. Within the module students will explore, analyse and critically evaluate the complex interrelationships and influences that operate within organisations. Students will be able to identify how potential problems/opportunities in one area can influence another and offer reasoned strategies for their management. The module will use a problem based case study approach to enable students to analyse a wide variety of information, reflect upon management approaches and recommend critically reasoned solutions. This module will enhance graduate opportunity and employability.
To develop the key concepts of organisation and management and their application in health and social care settings. To also offer students the opportunity to explore and analyse the principles of effective management and leadership within organisations.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify challenges and opportunities within an organisation and offer reasoned strategies to address them: identify challenges and opportunities within an organisation and offer reasoned strategies to address them: 1,2
evaluate relevant organisational leadership and management theories and apply them to given situations: evaluate relevant organisational leadership and management theories and apply them to given situations: 1,2
demonstrate effective team working in order to reach a consensus on managing organisational challenges/opportunities: demonstrate effective team working in order to reach a consensus on managing organisational challenges/opportunities: 1
extract key issues from given scenarios, develop reasoned recommendations for change/improvement and clearly articulate findings to a wider audience
: extract key issues from given scenarios, develop reasoned recommendations for change/improvement and clearly articulate findings to a wider audience
: 2
analyse complex interrelationships and their influence within an organisation: analyse complex interrelationships and their influence within an organisation: 1,2
present data and information in an articulate business report: present data and information in an articulate business report: 1,2
make reasoned recommendations and draw conclusions: make reasoned recommendations and draw conclusions: 1,2
have an appreciation of quality and equality and diversity issues within organisations: have an appreciation of quality and equality and diversity issues within organisations: 1,2
45 tutor led hours which may include lectures, workshops, seminars, tutorials and three hours of assessment preparation classes etc.
255 hours of independent study.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Group Presentation weighted 20%Peer-assessed group presentation (20 minutes)
Students will be required to work in groups on a case study which encourages them to consider the relationship between different aspects of business organisation and management.
2: Report weighted 80%Written assignment focusing on the group's case study
From the issues identified in the group assignment, students will be required to submit a 2500 word business report on how the organisation will deal with the issues identified within the group presentation.